6 weeks!

Here comes the morning sickness!  It’s been much more frequent the last few days, so I’m sure the next few weeks I’ll just have to deal with it.  Happily so, if it gives me a baby in the end!  And maybe tmi, but I’m already having to eat raisin bran every other day.  I don’t know what it is about pregnancy that makes it so difficult to poop, lol!  I take the prenatals long before I’m pregnant and that doesn’t stop me up.  I just don’t get it.  I know the raisin bran stopped working eventually when I was pregnant with Emily and then I had the bowel obstruction and wound up thinking I was in labor at the hospital (NOT fun as I was 23 weeks) and ultimately had to take milk of magnesia, which worked wonderfully.  I’d like to hold off on having to take that as long as possible, but at least I know what to resort to before it gets too bad this time.  Ah, the joys of pregnancy. =)
I am *super* bloated.  I swear I already look pregnant, which is ridiculous.  I can’t button a single pair of my pants.  I could barely zip my work slacks this morning, and they are usually a little loose!  Yet I haven’t gained a pound.  Crazy.  And all my joints are starting to pop and crack when I stand up or move.  I remember all of this happening much later in pregnancy!  Something about the hormones makes my joints and muscles do funny things because it gets very uncomfortable sitting in one spot for a long time when it normally wouldn’t bug me.  
I am sounding like a big whiner but I am actually doing great, lol.  Just documenting so I don’t feel crazy if I’m pregnant again some day and feel the same thing. =). I haven’t had any spotting since I mentioned it last, which seems like a very long time ago and was probably just residual implantation bleeding.  I feel like I spotted more with Emily’s pregnancy even, but I’m only 6 weeks so I’m betting that will start freaking me out soon enough.  
It was so beautiful out on Friday and Saturday.  Bryan works late on Fridays, so I took Emily to the park and we had a good time.  We were probably out there two hours, just walking around, throwing rocks in the pond, taking her down the slide.  It was a great day.  Saturday was just as nice so all three of us went to the same park and did the same thing.  We had a bunch of errands to run, but I knew the weather wasn’t going to be nice for long so we HAD to go that day. =) And of course Sunday was rainy so that’s exactly what we did.
I think I was getting ahead of myself in my last entry worrying about Emily and learning.  But I do appreciate the suggestions!  We do have an easel and magnets too and she loves to play with both.  I think she picks up a lot more than I realize too.  She always wants me to draw a cat on her easel, and every time I do I describe what I’m doing.  So I’ll say I’m drawing a circle for the face.  Yesterday I randomly asked her to draw a circle, thinking we could work on shapes and I would help her draw one, but she picked up the marker and drew it all by herself!  Maybe she knows a bunch and I just don’t ask the right questions. =) Im trying to get her to spell her name and she will repeat each letter I say, so we’re working on it.  At least she seems to enjoy learning so far.
My judge called in sick today, so I have nothing to do!  It’s wonderful, especially with how hard the last two weeks were.  I’ve just been organizing and burning old transcripts to CDs.  I’ll obviously be going home early too. =)  Emily is going back and forth between clinging to me and Bryan lately.  Some days I can’t even leave her sight without her tracking me down and having me pick her up, lol.  Yesterday Bryan wanted to go work in the yard and Emily burst into tears when she thought he was leaving!  Poor baby.  I keep thinking maybe I should take a week off in the summer so we can all have a week together, but I really think I’ll need it more next year when I have two kids (hopefully) and she’ll be needing even more attention then, I’m assuming.  Plus Bryan has a break in teaching for two weeks starting next week, so she’s going to be getting plenty of parental attention. =)
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Her night sleep is going okay right now.  Daylight savings only messes with us slightly since she goes to bed so late anyways, but she certainly fought it long and hard last night.  When I say she’s fighting it, she’s not crying or anything, it’s just she can’t seem to fall asleep so she rolls and rolls and rolls forever.  It’s not a huge deal, but I wish it was easier of course.  For like a week I was falling asleep with her and taking her to her crib a few hours later when I woke up, so now she’s used to waking up and still being in her with me.  So I forced myself not to fall asleep this weekend and she woke up a ton Saturday night because of it, but last night she didn’t make a peep.  As much as I love sleeping with her, I don’t want to have to break her of it some day anyways and she also gets up the minute the sun comes out when she’s in our bed, but sleeps in in her crib since she has blackout curtains.  So it’s a no-brainer..I just need to keep it consistent.  Sometimes it’s sooo hard not to fall asleep though! =)
Okay, I’m about to go home now and I have felt pretty crappy all day.  I’ll feel sick and think eating something will help, and it does right after I eat, but then a few minutes later I feel stuffed and nauseous about that, lol.  It’s not even 3:00 but I’m out of here…not that going home and entertaining a toddler is relaxing, but if I’m going to feel crappy anyways I might as well be happy at home with my baby than wallowing in self-pity at work, lol.
My baby at the park on Friday!


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March 11, 2013
March 11, 2013

Everything happened much earlier for let, too! Pregnant bodies want as much nutrients as possible so the intestines slow WAY down to absorb everything. Try adding lots if good fats like flax seeds/meal/oil, coconut oil & avocado and tons of water to help soften, and if you need another boost (before resorting to chalky stuff) start taking psyllium fiber… Costco brand is Metamucil for half the price!

March 11, 2013

My doctor told me we’re going to feel things like aches and pains a lot earlier for our 2nd pregnancies. Fun huh? Sorry about the morning sickness too. That’s never fun but part of the process, right? Glad you had fun with Emily at the park! I’ve got to do that one of these warm days although we’ve only had one lately where it didn’t rain.

It has been gorgeous here too. Come on, Spring! She is adorable!

March 11, 2013

At least the nausea is reassuring, right? 🙂 Emily is such a cutie!! Can’t wait to see your next one 😉