5 weeks!

Slowest.pregnancy.EVER. Lol! That’s what us early testers get for finding out so early. The weeks tend to drag by at first. =)

Everything is going great though! I stopped spotting quite a while ago now and I feel fine. I actually don’t feel pregnant at all still..which is fine, as long as everything is progressing the way it’s supposed to. But I haven’t been worrying at all which has been nice. I’m just trying to have faith that everything is happening the way it’s supposed to happen. I will probably be pretty nervous before the first ultrasound though.
No nausea anymore, unless I don’t eat for a really long time. Emily has an awful cold AGAIN (never-ending sickness in 2013) and woke up crying Friday night/Saturday morning at around 3:30am.  I was rocking her in her room and was feeling pretty nauseous so I just brought her to bed with me so I could lay down. I’m happy that works now and she doesn’t just scream like she used to, but her cold was keeping her in a really light sleep so I couldn’t carry her back to her crib. I love baby snuggles and all, but I’m just not used to co-sleeping anymore and I was paranoid all night that I was going to roll on her or something. I never did get back to sleep. She was so excited when she woke up in the morning and we were there though, lol! She got maybe 7 and a half hours of sleep that night and then only took an hour and a half nap during the day. Thank goodness she didn’t wake up last night and slept in until 9:00am this morning!! That was nice. =)
The trial we have at work is very hard to listen to. In a few months when I finally get to tell people at work that I was pregnant while listening to it, they are going to be shocked I didn’t burst into tears! The only time I’ve felt over emotional since being pregnant so far was when I did FaceTime with Emily on my lunch break last week and when I saw her cute chubby cheeks I almost burst into tears because I was so happy to see her, lol. Silly hormones. 
She is a little ticked off at me for working such long hours last week, but not too bad. Unfortunately next week will be the same. Then Bryan has winter vacation at work for two weeks coming up, so I’m pretty sure she’s going to be all about daddy for a while again. Oh well…she always reverts back to just needing mommy, so I’ll try and see it as a little break where I can take a shower alone sometimes or just not having her cling to me when I’m trying to make her meals and so forth. Bittersweet.
We actually all have the same cold. Emily’s nose is running constantly and she can’t sleep quite as well, but other then that she is her normal happy self. I’m snuffling a little, but I feel fine really. Bryan, of course, is dying. I hate man colds. He is such a baby! I swear to you he laid on the living room floor this morning for two hours rolling back and forth and moaning. I am ready for this cold to be gone just so I don’t have to listen to him whine anymore. =)
Oh, I ordered some more BumGenius diapers! They should be in the mail tomorrow. I’m starting to think the ones I have now are leaking at night because the elastic in the legs is so old. My sister did use them quite a bit and that was a long time ago now, so they are just old. I know you can get the elastic replaced, but I don’t know how to go about that. I’m going to try and use a new one at night and see if it leaks or not, then I’ll know whether to bother. They seem to work fine during the day and not leak. I guess I could just always make sure to use a newer one for nighttime and not worry about it. We’ll see.
We are getting the hot tub winterized on Wednesday. I’m not going to use it while I’m pregnant and Bryan isn’t going to use it by himself, so there’s no point in paying to keep it warm. It seems like we just got the thing and we’re already taking it out of commission! Oh well. I hate to say this but we probably aren’t going to use it until the middle of next year and there really is just no point in having it on.
So, life is good! Just being a mommy and working away and living life. 
No complaints here. =)

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March 4, 2013

These early weeks definitely drag on! I’m thrilled to be in double digits today!! I can only imagine how hard it is to hear in detail that trial… I hear sad things in my job but it’s never so detailed and in depth as I’m sure it has to be for court 🙁 RYN: that’s so funny about seeing my u/s pic! 🙂 what’s your BBC name, if you don’t mind? It’d be cool to have a fellow Oct 2013 friend 😉

March 5, 2013

You haven’t been showing up in my bookmarks!! I’m like, “who gets knocked up then STOPS writing???” Lol We’ve had the never ending illness of 2013, too :/ 5 weeks will turn to 35 weeks in the blink of an eye…

You still aren’t showing up in my bookmarks when you have a new entry! Damn OD!

March 6, 2013

RYN: Thanks! I’m scared to get too excited at this early so I’m just cautiously optimistic.

March 8, 2013

When we moved into our house last year I found out I was pregnant and never got to use the hot tub. That was the worst! I’m enjoying it now though 🙂 Man colds are the worst. We were all sick last week so I feel your pain. I found out I was pregnant around 4-5 weeks and I remember how slow the weeks were in the beginning! I didn’t feel pregnant until 6 or 7 weeks.