
Emily has been trying to kill us with exhaustion, but I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel now!  On Friday she woke up and was really congested and looked like hell.  Her eyes were red and swollen and her sinuses must have been hurting or something because she wasn’t opening her eyes fully all weekend.  I think her sleep issues last week were all related.   Friday night I think she stayed up until close to 11:30pm, got up a billion times at night, then woke up for the day at 7:20am and only napped an hour and a half that day.  
Last night was a lot better.  She went to sleep by 10pm, only woke up once, and even slept in a little this morning!  She’s probably going to sleep like a log the rest of the week just to make up for last week, so at least there’s that. =)
Otherwise, she is doing great!  I’ve been trying to get her to understand the word "count" so she can spontaneously do it instead of repeating us, and it’s working pretty well!  Sometime she’ll be playing with something and you can hear her whispering "one…two…three".  It’s so cute.  She likes us to bounce her on the side of her ball pit and we always count, so I’ll say "say one", and she’ll say it, two and three, then I’ll bounce her.  I’ve been telling her to count instead so she’ll do it by herself and she’ll count to two at least!  She knows blue, green and yellow for colors but has no interest in shapes whatsoever.  Well, if you tell her to turn in a circle she will, lol, but that’s it. =) It’s fun watching her catch on to things and learn.
I bought her a two-sided easel with a white board and a chalk board and she *loves* to have me draw her a cat (just the face).  I think she’s still too young to really draw.  She’s been having a blast sorting the markers and magnets though, lol.
I actually like being pregnant and having a toddler to distract me a lot more than just focusing on everything and anything that could possibly be going wrong all the time. =)  I didn’t dream for a few days and I thought that was weird because it never let up in my pervious pregnancies, but I was pretty nauseous all weekend.  Last night I did dream (that I was having twins!!  Eek!!) and I haven’t felt sick at all today! I even took another pregnancy test yesterday just to make sure it was getting darker and it showed up immediately nice and dark, so that made me feel better.  Even when I’m exhausted its taint me forever to fall asleep and if I wake up at night it takes just as long.  Annoying, but not a huge deal.  I have had brown spotting almost every day but I’m not freaked out about it.  If anything happens at this point it would be as disappointing as getting a negative pregnancy test, really.  It will get more real as it goes, but right now it doesn’t really seem real yet.
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I’m taking the baby aspirin that the doc told me to, extra folic acid and my prenatals, taking good care of myself, and that’s all I can do.  If it doesn’t work out, it will eventually.  I’m sure of that now, at least!  It seemed so much harder when I didn’t have Emily because I was *childless*.  If a pregnancy didn’t work out, I would never get to be a mother or have a baby.  Well, I got my baby and I am a mom now.  I desperately want more children and losing another pregnancy would be absolutely horrible once I get further along..but it’s not the same as before.  I got my miracle, and if she is all I’m ever blessed with, then I will happily come to terms with being a mommy to one amazing child.  That being said..I do have a lot of love to go around and I really hope this pregnancy works! =)
Our big sexually violent predator trial started today and its a doozy.  It is going to be a very long two weeks, but it should be worth it.  I need to go create some briefs to make my job easier though, so off I go!

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Your new entries from here on JUST showed up on my bookmark list! So very odd. If you weren’t getting as many notes as you were used to, that could be why! I am sure you are fine. Do you have a doctors appointment / ultrasound booked? xxx

March 8, 2013

Oh yay you HAVE been writing! Time to catch up 🙂 That’s so cute that Emily whispers numbers when she’s playing. I’m still waiting for Cody to start talking for real. Just Mom and Dada and lots of noises are getting old.

March 8, 2013

Easels are GREAT! We got Micah one for Christmas and have been writing her name and numbers on it daily and she now recognizes her name and can spell it!!