Excited!! And sleep issues..


Gah, I’m so excited!! =)
You didn’t really think I could go a whole day without testing, did you?   Yeah, me either. =)  In fact, I took a red dye test about five hours after I wrote that entry and got a faint positive!  I told my sister and mom after I got that one.  They are very excited. =)  My mom was telling me about her trip to Hawaii and how she missed us being there and I told her maybe next time.  She said she already has the next trip scheduled for February and I said, “Oh…well, the baby will already be four months by then!”  Complete silence and then,  “Are you trying to tell me something!?”  LOL.  She was very excited. =)  
When Bryan came home that afternoon Emily and I were waiting at the top of the stairs and I said, “Come to your girls!  All three of us!!” =D  I keep telling him we’re going to have a girl again, so he caught what I meant, lol.  He was very happy.  I’ve got to be honest though, that we both had pretty much the same reaction when we found out.  Like “Yes!! Omg, I’m so happy!” Then it sinking in for a second and looking at Emily and wondering how hard it will be on her and how much life is going to change.  Still extremely excited and happy, but..nervous.  Emily is our baby and it is going to be strange not devoting 100% of my time when I’m home to just her!
Anyways, the gift of a sibling outweighs any of that.  Everything will just become normal once the baby is here.  Eventually we’ll forget what it was like just being the three of us!  I can’t believe I’m going to have two children.  TWO.  Bryan and I were getting ahead of ourselves last night, talking about what we’re going to do with the bed in the room that will be the new nursery, what we’re going to paint it, how we think we want to do disposables for a newborn and then switch to cloth a few months later.  Bryan even said it would be nice if it was a girl because we already have all the girl stuff!! =D  I couldn’t sleep last night because I was already thinking about the gender reveal.  Yeah..I haven’t even technically missed my period yet, lol.
And I’m conflicted as to when to start telling people.  (If you’re on my Facebook, please don’t mention anything yet!) I was actually pretty nauseous yesterday and today, but I’m hoping the “morning” sickness doesn’t get too bad.  I feel like I might want to tell my judge at work just because if I get sick in court, obviously everything will have to come to a screeching halt and I want her to know what’s going on if that happens.  I’m not as nervous about telling people this time.  It was just so awful telling everyone at 12 weeks with my first pregnancy and then losing the baby at 14 weeks and having to tell everyone.  That was a nightmare.  I didn’t officially tell people I was pregnant until I was 19 weeks pregnant with Emily!!  And obviously they already knew I was pregnant…but everyone was nice enough not to say anything or ask.  This time I feel like everyone knows my situation pretty well.  I’m closer with the people at work I will tell and if something bad happens it’s not going to be as hard telling them afterwards.  It will feel like more support this time than people I don’t know that well pitying me.
I’m still going to wait a few weeks though, if I can. =)
And yes, I am extremely fertile now! =D  And I deserve it, dammit.  Not being able to get pregnant forever, having surgery, going through 14 weeks of pregnancy and all that followed, two more surgeries…I don’t need more stress when it comes to reproductive issues!!  I’ve got to admit that I give the credit to my fertility monitor.  I’m telling you, that thing is priceless.  It is expensive, but it was worth every penny!  It takes all of the guessing out of ovulation and just gives me a definitive answer, which I need.  There’s no “maybe I’m ovulating”..it just tells you and then you know what you have to do!  Ironically it frustrated the crap out of me this cycle with the two lines for so long, but it told me when I ovulated and it must have been right!  And I never would have guessed that’s when I would have ovulated since I usually do much later.
Anyways, I’m babbling.  Get used to that. =)  I know it’s boring for a lot of people, but I love going back and reading my entries from when I was pregnant with Emily so I want to document it as much as possible..and I will.
Speaking of Emily..of course I have a giant mommy fail the day I find out I’m pregnant again. =/  She has been struggling so hard to go to bed at night.  She will try anything to keep herself awake, and the last few nights it has been trying to roll as far away from me as she can.  Well, the bed isn’t up against the wall, so obviously if she rolls too far she would fall off the bed.  It’s a king size bed so that’s a long ways, but of course you can guess what happened.  The last few nights she’d done it I would make sure I had a hold of her leg so she couldn’t get too far but last night she would just kick and kick and kick and wouldn’t let me hold on.  I was getting pretty frustrated and she kicked my hand off so I reached over to grab her (it’s pitch black in the room) and she wasn’t there.  Instant panic sets in and I lunge for her and was too late. =(  I had lined that side of the bed with a giant body pillow and fortunately she took that down with her and landed on it, but it scared her pretty good.  I yelled for Bryan as I scrambled to get to her and he rushed in and turned on the light and we checked her over.  I think it just bruised her ego. =)  Usually even if she gets the tiniest bump it turns red immediately since her skin is so darn sensitive, but she didn’t have anything anywhere and didn’t seem to be in pain at all.  Scared the crap out of her though!
Anyways…after we checked her over we turned the light back off and she tried rolling away again!!!  She hates sleep that much.  Of course I wouldn’t let her and she cried.  She fell asleep soon thereafter at least, but I was very frustrated because I couldn’t think of a solution at the time.  After talking it over with Bryan I think we are going to move the bed up against the wall.  The way the bedroom is shaped, it will look really awkward that way.  But who cares?  We’re the only ones that go in there anyways.  The only other way is to put her down in her crib while she’s still awake and letting her scream..and I’m not doing that. It’s not a good long-term solution just because the way the bedroom is shaped, whoever is on the inside next to the wall will have to pretty much wake up the other person if they have to go to the bathroom at night.  Which I’m obviously going to be doing a lot of soon, and Bryan always tends to go at night as well. Not to mention the head of the bed will be squished up against the curtains so we won’t be able to open them. =/  But it’s the only way it will work, so that’s what we’re going to do for now.  Maybe in a few months we’ll see if she lets us put her in her crib without crying, but I know that’s not going to work right now.
*Okay, I wrote all of that yesterday.  Emily’s bedtime last night was a nightmare again.  I’m starting to wonder if she’s teething her second-year molars early.  Her teeth are obviously bugging her a lot.  She woke up an hour and a half early yesterday morning, so she didn’t get a lot of sleep, then her nap was restricted to two hours, which she was not happy about.  Bedtime rolls around (we moved the bed against the wall) and she was not having it.  Of course now her goal is to try to roll off the end of the bed.  She would scream and cry every time I pulled her back up.  *sigh* We started bedtime at 9pm and she didn’t fall asleep until after 11pm.  It was hell.  I had to turn the lights on a few time and comfort her because she was becoming hysterical.  I was exhausted and trying not to lose my cool.  I don’t usually get frustrated with her like that because it’s not her fault..but there was nothing I could do and she would not go to sleep for the life of her!
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Then she finally falls asleep and *I* fall asleep too.  That is a bad thing for a few reasons.  First off, Bryan stays in the living room until I come out..so he was stuck out there, unable to come to bed.  Secondly, if I don’t move her to her crib within 20 minutes of her falling asleep, she will wake up when I move her.  And the process would start all over.
So yeah, both of those things happened at 1am when I woke up.  THEN she wakes up at 7:20am!!!  I don’t freaking get it. It has to be teething.  She’s never been a great sleeper, but this is going far even for her.  We’re not restricting her nap today.  It’s obviously not helping and it’s probably just making her overtired come bedtime anyways.  I think we’re just going to have to tough it out until whatever she’s going through is over.
So I calculated what my maternity leave will be and it’s 19.4 weeks!!  I was super excited about that.  And that will be getting my normal paycheck the whole time!  I was thrilled when I figured it out.  For some reason I thought it would be less, but I did the numbers three times and it’s right!  Yaaay!  That means, if I give birth at the end of October, I wouldn’t have to go back to work until the beginning of MARCH!  Wow.  I’ve never had that much time off work!  I think I’m actually going to save two or three weeks so I can still take the week of Christmas off that year and a week in the summer, but mid-February would still be great!  I only got 12 or 13 weeks with Emily.  Another month sounds wonderful. =)
Not to mention Bryan’s winter break is all of December, so we’ll have a little more than a month with all of us home together!  The first four weeks he will probably have to work, but his hours make it so he’s home a good amount anyways and my mom will be there to help at first, so I don’t think it will be a problem.  And if I get too overwhelmed I assume the nanny would be happy to come over (if she decides to stay with us…).  I’m not too worried about it.
Anyways, happy Friday!!  And thanks for all of the well wishes!  It means a lot. =)


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February 22, 2013

yay yay I’m still so happy for you! woohoo Bedtime sounds awful 🙁 I’m sure you guys will figure it out. I know with Will we went through a phase where I had to sit next to his crib and hold his hand at bedtime until he went to sleep while he screamed and cried bc he wouldn’t let me hold him anymore. It’s so difficult when they switch up their sleep patterns on you.

February 22, 2013

Just so happy and excited for you!! I already called girl in my head, too… Lol BUT I’m not nearly as accurate about that as I am in predicting pregnancies and births. Speaking of… Will you have a repeat section or VBAC? Considered it yet? I don’t know how the whole state is, but my office started offering vbacs in the last couple of years. Must be such a hard decision either way! Butultimately I hope you get to choose without providers swaying you one way or the other!

February 22, 2013

I’m guessing your head is spinning with all these new things to think about and how to arrange it all. We’ve barely even started planning the baby’s room yet or what we have left to buy. Still feels like there’s lots of time I guess. And 19.4 weeks with your new baby sounds wonderful!

February 22, 2013

I wish I had maternity leave! But October really is perfect timing to have a baby! Go us! 😉 you’ll get all the holidays off and how fun to have baby’s first Halloween (in my case, maybe in yours too!), Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all in a row when they’re so tiny and cute! What’s your EDD? I’m sure over the next 8 months Emily’s nighttime routine will get straightened out!

February 22, 2013

I knew I saw something! Hooray!!! 🙂 Congratulations, momma!! Emily will love the new baby once she gets used to sharing her attention!

Looking back to when I had just one child is like looking at another lifetime! We are so busy with three, but it’s three time the loves and joy. It only multiplies. You will not regret it! Congrats! I had all the fears with each child, but they are so wonderful and add to our family.