Negative & Sleep

Big fat negative on the pregnancy test this morning, but I’m testing early so I was prepared for that.  I had a lot of brown spotting yesterday, which I never, ever spot before a period (I’m only on CD 25), so it was possibly implantation or my body rejecting something.  Either way, I should find out soon!  I was crampy yesterday morning too and haven’t felt anything since.
Still having the vivid dreams and it’s taking forever to fall asleep.  Emily cried for a minute at 5:30 this morning and I couldn’t fall asleep after that..and I probably didn’t fall asleep until close to 1am!  It’s classic pregnancy symptoms for me…I just know I’m pregnant!!  I just need the test to prove it, dammit!!
Bedtime with Emily is becoming slightly challenging again.  It’s taking on hour-plus for her to fall asleep!  We started bedtime at 9:00 last night and she fought it so long I didn’t have her in her crib until 11:00pm.  Same routine as usual, but she is just rolling around and keeping herself awake.  A few night ago at like 10:30, more than an hour after beginning the whole process, I just hugged her and held her still so she would stop hitting the mattress and kicking her legs to keep herself awake and she just screamed and screamed.  I ended up letting go about 5 minutes later and she went right back to what she was doing.
Not too sure what to do about it but keep on doing what we’re doing.  We’ve talked about limiting her nap to two hours so she’ll be more tired and fall asleep easier at night.  Right now she’s getting about 9hrs of sleep at night and then napping for 3 and a half hours during the day.  We’re going to limit it to two and a half hours today and see if it helps.  We were out and about for hours yesterday just getting her to burn energy, but that didn’t help at all clearly.  She isn’t overtired at night because she is happy as a clam and doesn’t cry at all for bedtime unless I try to get her to hold still.  Still a work in progress..but hey, at least I’m not bouncing her! =)
Crossing my finger the damn pregnancy test is positive tomorrow!! =)

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February 19, 2013

Go back to my entries 8/20/11 thru sept ’11… Giiirl I hate to contribute to getting you all worked up, but I think you’re preggo! Worst case scenario if this one isn’t sticky, your body is DOING IT and you will be waddling around before you know it! Xoxox

Fingers crossed!

February 19, 2013

Yes the napping might help sort it out. And maybe she needs an earlier bedtime? 9 PM is kind of late, and 11 pm is out of this world late. My two are in bed at 6:30 PM for a solid 12.5 hours each. I know they have an earlier bedtime than a lot of kids but 7 or 8 is reasonable at Emily’s age. FINGERS crossed! I think you are preggers too!

February 19, 2013

Can’t wait to hear if you’re actually pregnant. I got my first + on CD 26 this time. I really hope you are. I love following along with other people’s pregnancies and I know how badly you want this 🙂 Sorry about Emily and sleep. That’s so frustrating. You’d think she’d be tired. Cody sleeps 12 hrs at night and about 3-4 during the day. Makes no sense she’s fighting it.

February 19, 2013

Fingers crossed!..:D!!!!

February 19, 2013

Ahh! Obviously this being my first pregnancy, I didn’t know what to expect with how I’d feel when I was actually pregnant… but now, the feeling is so unmistakable that I’d think I’d know immediately next time! I hope your intuition is right on!!