End of cycle & work rant

My cycle is finally over, thank god!!  I am still confused as to why I ovulated so early.  I know it was "normal" or whatever, but not for me.  I kind of liked that I knew I would ovulate late and it had never been an issue with conceiving, so it didn’t matter.  Anyways, the 2ww begins!  Like I’ll actually wait two weeks.  More like manically testing after 8 days, lol.
I am going to jinx it by writing it, but Emily has gone to sleep at night without crying or fussing for FOUR nights in a row!  =) I don’t care all that much how long it takes for her to fall asleep..I just don’t want it to be something she hates and screams during every night.  So I feel like there is progress! 
After she fell asleep in her high chair and put her to bed the day before yesterday, she did wake up about an hour and a half later and Bryan bounced her back to sleep.  That took about a half hour, but after that she slept straight through until 8am!  She slept straight through last night too.  I think going to sleep without bouncing is helping her to be able to fall asleep naturally when she’s tired and she’s becoming less dependent on the bouncing motion to fall asleep.  Yay!
Boring work stuff below:
I had another issue at work with my boss.  Right when we were starting to be normal around each other again since the last "incident" too.  I was really ticked off yesterday, but it’s not worth the stress so I’m letting it go.  I think half of the point to her is to create drama and goad me into a fight, so I’m not taking the bait.  I am a good 20 years younger than all the reporters I work with and my boss resents the fact I have a baby or something.  The last incident we had was her trying to say I could not hire someone to cover my shift (which is a regular thing reporters do all the time here) because we just learned that we needed childcare on Friday afternoons and we hadn’t hired the nanny yet.  I asked her if that means I needed to use a sick day or vacation day then, which I would have been happy to do, and she said no, I’m not allowed to do that.  I eventually had to go to HR and have a big meeting because she was telling me there is no way I could get out of work when I didn’t have anyone to watch Emily.  What did she expect me to do?  Anyways, she got reamed for that.  I’ll never forget the moment when her boss asked her how she figures out who to deny the ability to hire someone to cover for the them, and there was a long pause and she admitted that none of the other court reporters ever ask, they just do it!! Yet she denied me, for no reason.  The meeting obviously ended there and I was allowed to hire someone for half a day.
So last week I set up a dr’s appointment for Bryan and the only time I could get was 8am on Tuesday (yesterday).  I have to be to work at 9:00 normally, but I called another reporter and she said she could cover my 9 o’clock matter and I would come in at 10.  I then called my boss and asked if that was okay and told her I would be in around 10.  She said that’s fine.  I get a call on my cell phone around 9:30 asking where I am.  Someone else called in sick and they need me.  Ookay.  I was just getting ready to leave anyways, so I said I would be right there..at the time I said I would be.  Anyways, it all worked out and I got to the hearing before both of the parties were even there and it went off without a hitch.
I get a call from my boss a few hours later and she says my childcare situation is completely inappropriate, and she asked me point blank why I don’t hire someone to watch her when things like this come up (drs appointments).  I didn’t even know what to say.  My nanny works mornings somewhere else sometimes and I asked ahead of time to make sure it was okay I would be late.  If she said it was a bad day, I could have tried to change the appoint

ment.  But no, someone called in sick and made her have to scramble, so she puts the entire blame on my child care…which is none of her business.  I said something like:  You want me to hire someone to come to my house and watch my child on random occasions when one us has to go to the doctor?  So teach them what foods she can and can’t have, show them the medications she needs if she starts getting hives, how to use the EpiPens, and trust they’ll remember everything the next time we need them a few months down the road?  
I was so angry after I hung up.  I wrote her an email documenting our conversation so I would have it as proof later if I need it.  I got a four-word response: "Thanks for the clarification"
Oh no, there was no f-ing clarification!  I wrote exactly what I told her and now she’s going to pretend like she didn’t understand the situation or something.  Whatever.  She even claims that I lied about what time I got here.  I use a key pass to get into the building!  You can see what time I got here!!  But seriously, how petty is she?  Why would I lie about when I got here?  Why even try to make that claim?  Everyone I was working with knows I was there and the hearing went perfectly when everyone else arrived!
Okay, I’m giving her what she wants and getting worked up about it again.  My judge is royally pissed at her again and wants to take it higher, but I just said no.  We agreed I need to start documenting everything through email.  If there’s another drs appointment or something I can write an email saying we discussed it and is it correct that I can go, blah blah blah.  Not that she can legally deny me, but at least it’s not a he said she said that way.  She said I have all these issues with childcare and I honestly was dumbfounded.  Besides the drs appointment, the last time there was an issue was when the nanny had norovirus and Emily was sick and I had to stay home with her.  I can’t even remember a time there was an issue before that.
It is going to be SO much fun when Im pregnant and have appointments every few weeks, lol.  Oh well.  Like I said, it’s done and over and Im letting it go now.
Everything else is great!  Emily had KinderMusic last night and had a good time.  They had a giant drum and she loved playing with that.  She’s getting so big. =) Work is such background noise when everything else is so amazing.

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February 13, 2013

That last sentence sums it up so well!! Hope this month is the month for you!

February 13, 2013

Your boss sounds lovely! Some supervisors should not be allowed to manage people. Glad Emily’s sleep is doing well! Good luck with the 2ww! RYN: thanks! And seriously, why is refraining from feeding crap to a baby so hard!?

February 13, 2013

Oh man your boss sounds like a royal pain in the ass! Sorry you have to deal with that. It’s so hard in those situations too because you just want to freak on the person but it’s your BOSS so you have to try and bite your tongue. Good luck with the 2ww!! I started testing at 8DPO when I was trying. The weirdest thing was that I tested + with my 2nd pee of the day at 10DPO but not the 1st!