OMG!! She sleeps!!

Look at what just happened:

I don’t f-ing believe it.  We changed her into jammies and put her in her crib about 10 minutes ago…I’m wondering what god awful hour that means I have to wake up, lol!  
There is a reason this happened, of course.  She refused to nap today. Bryan bounced her for almost 45 minutes and eventually had to give up because he had to get ready for work.  I was home for lunch, so I tried it our way.  An hour plus later I said screw it, she’s just not having a nap.  Bryan had already left and the nanny had been in the living room for a half hour already!  It was after 2pm at that point and I had to get back to work (I had been home since 11am.  Ha!).  So I made her lunch and left for work.
I got home two hours later (don’t hate, lol) and she was happy as a clam!  We played for an hour, she helped me do a first load of cloth diaper laundry =) and we snuggled on the couch before her dinner. I’m glad I was home a while for lunch or I would really miss her right now!  Since she stays up so late Im used to spending a lot of time with her in the afternoon.
I almost don’t know what to do with myself!  I usually have to go to sleep pretty soon after she does to get enough sleep, but it’s not even 8:00 now!  This is sad.  What did I do before she came along? Lol
In other news, my ovulation monitor had three lines again today, meaning I’m still ovulating..? Either my body or the monitor is being whacky.  It’s more likely my body, because it’s stubborn like that. =) Anyways, as happy as I am that I’m ovulating, it’s getting exhausting.  I always like to start trying when the monitor had two lines saying Im getting ready to ovulate.  Well it had two lines for like FIVE days!  Now three lines for two days!  I like sex..but..I just want this window to close already and know I’ve done everything I can do to make it happen!  Not to mention I can’t start the 2 week wait until its over either.  Okay, okay, no more complaining over stupid trivial things.  Yeah, right! =)

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February 11, 2013

haha as if she fell asleep while eating dinner. That’s hilarious! Trying to get her to nap clearly sucked but at least bedtime was nice and easy lol. I remember just dying for my body to clearly let me know I’d ovulated too since it can be so hard to just keep trying and trying without running out of steam. Making a baby is exhausting lol!

February 11, 2013

haha as if she fell asleep while eating dinner. That’s hilarious! Trying to get her to nap clearly sucked but at least bedtime was nice and easy lol. I remember just dying for my body to clearly let me know I’d ovulated too since it can be so hard to just keep trying and trying without running out of steam. Making a baby is exhausting lol!

LOVE the picture! I think it is so funny when they get at that age and just fall asleep anywhere. Ava has not been napping well, either. Gah. I don’t know if she is trying to get rid of her afternoon nap or what, but an hour of sleep during an entire day is NOT enough for her! She is exhausted by the time she goes to bed. And sometimes cranky. Oh the joys of sleep – or lack of!

February 12, 2013

From what I’ve read the monitors default 2 peak days no matter what.