Cloth Diapering & Pics

 Emily turned 20 months old yesterday, and NOW I decide I think I can possibly do cloth diapers, lol.  Bryan was so anti-dealing-with-baby-poo, but now that we’ve actually had to deal with it just in regular old diapers, it doesn’t sound quite as daunting as it originally did.  Though I do think he’s going to freak out the first time she poops in one.  Ha.

We went to Babies R Us yesterday for food pouches and diapers, and I noticed they had some gDiapers there.  I decided to pick up a two-pack and some cloth liners and give it a go! (I did buy disposables as well, heh.)  My sister gave me a big bag of cloth diapers when I was pregnant and since Bryan vetoed the idea early on, they were in storage somewhere.  As in above my car in the garage in the farthest possible bin back.  I wasn’t sure there would be any sizes that would actually fit her at this point either, so I got the gDiapers.

I ended up digging them out of the garage today though!  And there are plenty of them that fit her!  So this is what I have:

The two gDiapers are on the left, five FuzziBunz in the middle and four BumGenius diapers on the right, but I actually found two more after that, so I have six of those.  That’s 13 diapers!!

I still sort of have no clue what I’m doing, but I’ll get the hang of it.  We tried the gDiapers first.  They are nice and soft, but a bit awckward to put on and no matter how loose we made them, they still seemed to leave indents in her skin from the snaps.  Not horribly..but she has such sensitive skin and I didn’t particularly love them.  Tried the BumGenius next.  I believe they are called pocket diapers instead of just having the cloth liner sit in there like the gDiapers.  I thought I would like being able to just take a liner out and put a new one in, but I think I actually like the pocket diapers better.  And I have so many that it’s just easy to take a diaper off and put a new one on.  They are a tad bit bulkier than disposables, but that doesn’t matter to me.  I do like them, but I wasn’t in love with them either.  They seem sort of stiff.  I’ve seen the argument from cloth lovers that "why would a baby want to sit on crunchy paper instead of cloth", but those seemed more stiff than her disposables.  She didn’t care, so neither do I.  Tried the FuzziBunz next.  I honestly tried them last just because the flower print is kind of ugly, lol!  But it doesn’t matter.  Hell, one of the BumGenius ones are blue and I couldn’t care less, ha!  But I think I love the FuzziBunz!  They are the softest and they fit the best.  And there were a bunch of teeny-tiny ones I found too that made me want a little baby even more. =P  They are so adorable!  But ALL girl print!  Guess I need another girl!! =D

Anyways, we’ll see how it goes.  Her skin does seem very damp when I change her and I don’t really like that.  But once again, she didn’t care.  She hadn’t even had the diapers on long either since I wanted to try the next kind so quickly.  But I dried her well and as long as her skin isn’t bothered by it, it won’t matter.  If she starts getting rashes suddenly, which she never gets, I will probably go back to disposables.

Here’s a pic of her in the BumGenius a few hours ago:

Does that look right?  No glaring mistake I made, I hope, lol.  I did snap the front up once because they were a bit loose around her legs and that seemed to fix it.  *shrug*

Okay, here’s some random pictures from the last week!

Lol!  Her hair is starting to really grow! =D

"Listen to me.  You are my best friend, and you are going to have to deal with my abuse for a long time…so get used to it!"

Stylin’, as usual.

Just doing some shopping!

Back to work tomorrow. =/  But next weekend is a three-day weekend!  Yay!


PS- I ovulated today.  Day 16! =D

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February 10, 2013

I tried cloth for a milisecond and found myself praying M wouldn’t poop anytime I put her in one, lol. Love her little tuft of hair!!! YAYAYAYAY happy baby making Momma!

February 10, 2013

Hope you enjoy the cloth diapering. I haven’t got the patience for it. And don’t you have to scrape the poop off in the toilet or something? *cringe* haha no thanks! She looks so cute in that cloth diaper though 🙂 Hope you got some excellent BDing in this month. Fingers and toes crossed for you!

February 10, 2013

Good luck with the cloth diapers! I don’t think I’m brave enough to do that with my first… 😉 I love her little curls!!! Yay for ovulation!

February 10, 2013

Awwwwwwwwwww!!! MY baby pooped in those diapers, LOL!!!!!! I did cloth 90% of the time with Sam, in fact, she took her first steps in one of those ugly flower prints! Bum Genius worked best at night because I could stuff the crap out of them, and they were less likely to leak. I rotated the rest through the day…and you did it right, that’s what the buttons are for, you have to play with them until you get the right fit. It takes a lot of patience at first, but after a while, it’s not a big deal at all. ALWAYS rinse twice when you wash and wash them on cold first without detergent and then HOT every time. Just don’t forget to strip them every once in a while or they start to smell bad. You do that by running them through a few hot wash cycles when they’re clean with NO soap (I actually used to soak them in a huge pot of boiling water). I used Rockin Green cloth diaper detergent and I stripped them once a month or so unless Sammy was sick or trying new food, LOL. BioKleen bac-out is great stuff, to have around for stubborn diapers, too, you use that in the first cold cycle. I also put 1/4 cup distilled vinegar in the first rinse cycle to kill the germs and soften the diapers.

February 10, 2013

It sounds like a lot, but once you get the hang of it it’s no different than doing regular laundry, you just run the same load through a few times! Love you sis….give that baby a hug from me!

February 10, 2013

Also, her skin shouldn’t be wet when you change her…if it is, you may need to strip them right away, or play with the detergent you use. A lot of the detergents will make those diapers leak or not absorb right. Rockin Green really is the best that I found out there….

February 11, 2013

I love my g’s over all others!!!

I always thought I would cloth diaper. I even bought 24 diapers while I was pregnant to prepare for it. It was the one thing I knew for certain I would do. And I didn’t, lol. I ended up selling the diapers since we hadn’t used them. Hubby and I just got so used to the easy disposables! Good for you, though. If you can manage them, why not?! Yay, ovulation! Baby making time! xxx

February 11, 2013

shes so stinking cute!

February 11, 2013

RYN: LOL, yeah, it is expensive at first, but you only use the biokleen once in a while, and the detergent lasts forever because you only use a little when you wash. It’s kind of weird, but using a lot of detergent actually makes cloth diapers DIRTIER if it starts to build up. Do you pay for water usage by volume? We don’t pay for volume, just a flat rate…I’m not sure how much it would cost ifyou pay a lot for the actual amount of water you use… I actually added it up and after I got the hang of it we were paying $14/month to use cloth if I spread the initial cost of buying the diapers over a year and the detergent and additives, so it was a ton cheaper than sposies (of course it was expensive to get started though). Since both kids were wearing diapers (Jack was still in pull-ups) at first, it was expeeeeeeennnnnnsivvvvvve to buy disposables. With the cloth I’d buy a box of diapers or pull-ups at Costco and it would last us forever because she only used them at daycare or when we were out, never at home. I never used them out and about or traveling though. Waaaaayyyy too much of a pain in the ass to deal with that mess, LOL.