
My little girl is getting so big!  I can’t get enough of her.  I think I am incredibly lucky that she is so calm.  She can have a stomach but or a cold and feel miserable, but she always has a happy face and never fusses.  I don’t think she’s ever thrown a true tantrum in her life.  Her "tantrums" consist of me saying no to something, her sitting down on the ground and sticking her lip out, then five seconds later standing up and moving on to something else, lol.  My next one is bound to be a terror. =)
She is talking up a storm lately and getting SUCH a personality!  She is starting to laugh a lot more and think things are funny, dancing more to music.  She loves counting and reading.  She could do both for hours.  Bedtime is being drawn out lately because we read so many books and she is cuddled up to me in bed just laying there so contently and I don’t want it to end so I just keep reading, lol.
Our new night time routine is going okay.  Depends on the night how its going to go.  The day before yesterday she cried and clung to me for maybe five minutes and fell right to sleep.  Last night it took almost an hour, but she only cried maybe the first ten minutes.  The 30 minutes following were absolutely adorable and she was just talking and chatting and being silly, then when I finally started responding to her that "it’s nigh-night time" she got a little bratty and would smack my arm because she knows that’s a no-no and I would respond.  Of course she would follow that by covering my eyes (because that’s how we pretend we cry and she thinks she makes you cry when she hits, lol) followed by huge and kisses…then doing it all over again to avoid going to sleep.  The problem is if you ignore her hitting you, she just does it harder and harder until you have to do something!  I said she was calm..not perfect, lol.  I eventually held he hand at her side and that made her cry, but when I let go she just hugged me and went to sleep.  So depends on the day, but I’m still glad I stopped bouncing her.  I didn’t even think about this, but it also means when I get pregnant I get to keep putting her to bed at night!  We were just going to have Bryan do all the bouncing and that would have been exhausting.  So it’s good it’s happening now…even though he is still bouncing her for her nap. *shrug*
It seems like we have been sick all of 2013!  Before we got the stomach flu Emily had a cold or something, and now we have a cold again!  Ugh.  I just want us to feel better already!  Bryan had a cold last week and now Emily and I are all stuffed up with sore throats.  Not fun, but hopefully it goes away soon.  I have a feeling we’re going to have a lot of colds now that we’re taking her to KinderMusic, so we’ll chalk it up to building the immune system.
We did our taxes last weekend.  I was disappointed that we’re only getting 1k back, but I remember not that long ago I was OWING like 5k, so I won’t complain, lol.  I think it’s crap that you don’t get a child credit if you make over a certain amount of money, but whatever.  Not to mention we didn’t claim any child care =/. I know what you’re thinking…that we’re crazy.  But all that goes into claiming someone as an employee and stuff you have to do for that, not to mention the fact that the nanny would have to pay taxes on her income when we are her sole income and it doesn’t come out to that much…it just seemed like too much work and I don’t want her making so little money that she wants to move on and do something else.  We’ll never find someone who can work with our schedules like she does and tolerates having a month off in the winter and summer without getting paid.  It seemed like a fair trade. =/ I can imagine claiming $12,000++ in childcare would have helped though, lol.
My ovulation monitor had me

start testing this morning!  I’m excited for a new cycle, but I already feel like I’m going to get a negative and am frustrated and disappointed already.  Not a good way to look at it! With the stomach flu and now a cold though, my body just feels drained.  I didn’t take my prenatals all last week because I couldn’t keep them down, I’ve been drowning myself in medicine just to be able to breathe all weekend.  Ugh.  I am having huge baby fever.  I could write an entire post about cloth diapering too because I’ve decided I’m doing it next time, but I have NO idea what I’m doing, lol.  That’s been fun to start researching, but it would be even more fun if an was actually pregnant! =) I’ve been writing down names I like and have ideas for how to paint the nursery.  This better happen quick! 
All right, back to work, I suppose, then home to my sweet little girl!

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We just began officially ttc and we already picked out the names last month, LOL. We love doing that stuff though. We had Ava’s name picked out since we began dating, so at the time, well over 10 years! Fingers crossed for a belly bean soon! Sending baby dust your way!

February 4, 2013

I’ve said this before… I can’t wait for you to be pregnant!!! How old is Emily? A little over a year right? I had such a wonderful baby moon with Michaela her second year… She’s still amazing of course, but there’s a special baby sweetness under 2 🙂

February 4, 2013

Good luck 🙂 Also, if you can find Tushie traders on Facebook, they are having a co op and diapers are cheap! Like $3. I would suggest getting a few different kinds and finding what works for you. They have lots of rotating co ops.

February 4, 2013

That’s cool that you’re getting so excited about a new baby. I haven’t even really thought about names or nursery ideas yet lol. I will when we find out the gender. It still doesn’t feel real sometimes.

February 5, 2013