Snuggles! *pics*

Last night was sooo sweet.  Did the night time routine with Emily and got in bed to read books before turning off the light.  She started fussing, as usual, when I turned off the light (she did that when we bounced her, too.  She just doesn’t want to go to sleep) and then she did a silent pout for a while where she crosses her arms and sticks out her lip, lol.  Then she rolls on her side and wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles in and went to sleep!!  It was so nice that I snuggled for an hour with her before I put her in her crib. =) Why, oh why didn’t I do this sooner!?!
And she’s used to being put down in her crib and waking up there, so all of that is easy!  I was ticked off at Bryan yesterday because of course he chose to bounce her.  Ironically she took forever to go to sleep and he still didn’t have time to get ready for work!  Should have just tried it the new way, jackass.  I don’t know why he can’t get up and take a shower in the morning instead of imposing some schedule on her that she can’t always stick to.  Sometimes she sleeps in and other times she’s just not tired at 11:30am.  I wonder what the normal nap time for toddlers are? 11:30 seems a little early to me sometimes.  Some days she is pretty tired then, but most of the time I think we should switch it to feeding her lunch at noon and maybe giving her a nap closer to 1pm?  I don’t know.  Then she’ll wake up later and might not go to sleep at night well.   I’m rambling.  =)
I think we’re completely over the stomach bug now.  Emily is starting to eat more, no more throwing up.  Bryan and I seem to be able to eat normally now.  The whole trying to eat low glycemic hasn’t exactly been feasible as the only thing I could eat was crackers for a while, but I’m working on it.  
My mom and Bryan’s aunt haven’t gotten sick yet, so I’m starting to have a little hope they won’t.  They first got exposed four days ago, so you think it would have hit by now.  The doctor said it was very contagious so we were really cautious, but usually when you’re in the trenches like that it doesn’t seem to matter.  Keeping my fingers crossed!
I’m glad tomorrow is Friday.  I have zero plans for the weekend, but I’m still looking forward to it.  Emily hasn’t left the house since Sunday and obviously we didn’t go to the KinderMusic class, so she’s probably getting ansy to get out.  I’ve been trying to find new things to entertain her inside, but there’s only so much you can do.  I let her play with uncooked rice and a glass dish yesterday and we played with that for almost an hour!  I thought Bryan would be ticked that we were making a mess (because uncooked rice is just sooo hard to vacuum up) but he thought it was a good idea!  I decided not to mention it was really expensive organic jasmati rice that we were wasting…lol
I’m looking forward to her getting into drawing and painting.  I figure by the time summer rolls around it will be warm enough that we can put butcher paper or something down in the garage and go at it with a bunch of paint or something!  Maybe an easel too.  So much to look forward to! =)
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All right, I’m way behind transcript since I was gone the first half of the week, so I should probably get to that!  
I’ll try and add some of the photos to the bottom of this entry, but it might not work since I’m doing it from my phone.


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January 31, 2013

Awwww! I love these pictures! You all look so beautiful! =)

January 31, 2013

Beautiful photos!!! You look SO GOOD!!! I’m so glad no one else has gotten sick – I read your last entry yesterday when I gelt like crap – and I felt so much better afterwards, lololol, but seriously – I’m so sorry you guys were so sick, sounds so so so so so terrible.

January 31, 2013

Great pictures! You look awesome! I hope we don’t get that virus! I heard it can live outside the body for 30 days! Glad you are feeling better!

Ava naps around 10am and then around 2pm. LOVE the pictures! They turned out so well. She is so sweet! Her eyes are just beautiful. Glad you all are feeling better. That sounded HORRIBLE. Ack.

January 31, 2013

wow all your photos are soo gorgeous! It is hard to pick a favourite with that cute little face 🙂

January 31, 2013

Those are some seriously cute pictures! Definitely a bunch of frameables in there!! As for her nap time…when does she wake up? Cody wakes up every day between 8 and 9 and exactly 3 hours later he’s ready for a nap. Then my friend who has a baby a little older puts her son down after lunch and he’s up for 5 hours before a nap. It all depends on the kid I’d say. Do what you think is right.

January 31, 2013

Awwwwwwww!!! Those are GREAT pictures! Sammy was a one nap toddler…she used to nap from 1-3 everyday, and then we had to stop when she turned 3 because ANY amount of a nap would cause her to be up until 1am, we even had to fight her preschool because they would not allow her to stay up during the school’s naptime. Jack on the other hand was a napping maniac, he took two naps a day, one at 9 and another at 1 both for 2 hours until he started Pre-K when he was 4.5… after that he took an hour long afternoon nap until he started 1st grade! If he didn’t nap during the day like that he would wake up twice as much during the night night on top of his 2 or 3 normal wake ups though, so I really think it depends on the child. Now Jack is asleep in NO time at night, he’s usually out in less than five minutes, sleeps solid through the night, and Sammy takes less than 20 minutes usually and doesn’t wake up at all…but we still snuggle them both to sleep – by choice, LOL. They go to bed pretty early on the weekdays, no later than 8pm, and we shoot for 7:30 or they’re crankypants the next day. Sleep does happen again, eventually sis! Hang in there, I know how hard it can be..

January 31, 2013

Look at the size difference in my kids though…I wonder if that has something to do with it. Jack slept a TON when he was really little and he’s always been a bigger kid. Sammy is a little peanut and didn’t nap nearly as much. Emily seems to be about the same size Sam was at that age….I wonder if it might be a metabolism thing?

February 1, 2013

such a cute family! she’s beautiful.

February 1, 2013

what great pictures! Glad all the sickies are out of your house. Have a great weekend!