
Okay, I know I am years ahead of myself with this topic, but I can’t help but to think about it!
I mean, think of how much time kids spend in school once they start. Besides how they’re parented, it pretty much shapes who they are going to be in a lot of ways. I don’t want to screw this up!! lol

I’ve been researching schools so I can get an idea of where we want Emily (and future children) to go. I looked at the school rankings and it is very good. That’s how I found it, actually, was looking at the highest ranking schools, and it just so happens to be in the town we live! I am willing to drive to get her to a nice school, but that’s an added bonus.

Here’s where our dilemma (if that’s what you want to call it) comes in. We want her to go to a private school, but the only ones that aren’t religion based aren’t within a reasonable distance. I’m talking 50+ miles away for a non-religious private school. Then there’s the fact that we would like her to be religious, I guess..but we aren’t, so we don’t know how to go about that. Bryan and I both agree that if we could be religious, we would. Not that we can tell our brains to believe what we just can’t believe. And trust me, I’ve tried! I would love to believe in heaven and all those wonderful things, but my brain won’t grasp it.

But anyways, this is about what’s in our children’s best interests. I like a lot of things that religion gives a person and I hate other things. I want it to be a comfort, but not something they base everything on. I don’t know if that makes sense. It just bugs me when people say they don’t believe in gay marriage and all that crap because that’s what their religion is. So because your religion thinks one way, that automatically means you have to believe it to? Now, I know a lot of religious people aren’t like that and they don’t follow it like that…but that always worries me.

And that’s a huge decision for us. If we put her in a religion based school, that is going to frame a part of who she is. They have bible class every day and go to chapel once a week. We won’t be able to answer those kind of questions for her. I am willing to learn along with her, but what if she asks me a question about something that I don’t believe in and they are teaching her is true? I can go the whole "everyone has different beliefs and opinions" route and teach her to get all the information and make up her own mind, but that seems like it’s leaving her to flounder when she’s looking for guidance.  Maybe not.  I don’t know.

This parenting thing is hard.  And it sounds like it’s only going to get harder, lol.

But the education is amazing at the school it seems.  Now, believe it or not, but I actually went to a private catholic school from Kindergarten through 6th grade, and I obviously wasn’t cut out for it acedemically, but I loved so many things about it an I appreciate it so much more when I’m older looking back.  We had an incredibly small class, we wore uniforms so no one was making judgements on clothes/appearance, there just seemed to be a lot more respect for each other there than there did between my friends who didn’t go to the school with me.  I do think there is a difference.  And ironically, we learned about the bible and went to church frequently, and I remember none of that.  I mean, I remember sitting in church, but I mostly remember singing and then being in my own world.  I do remember in 3rd grade during some sort of religion class asking a question about something that didn’t make sense and the answer to my question made even less sense..but that’s it.  It was a complete non-issue until I was much older and started worrying about things like death and what happens when we die.

And I’m not too screw up…HA! =)

Back on the subject of the school though, it is a Pre-K through 12th grade school, so one school for her entire education, minus college, of course.  That’s pretty neat…if she/we like it.  They have a church that’s affiliated with it (obviously) and I’m wondering if maybe we should go to a few services or something.  I don’t know..I feel like such a fraud going to church, like everyone will look at me and know I don’t believe.  I know that’s silly and doesn’t even matter, but I still feel it.  I want her to have a good education, but I don’t want religion to be forced on her.  Not that someone can force you to believe something.

And I wonder what the admissions process is like.  Are her chances less likely to get in if we aren’t religious?  Should we pretend to be religious so she can get in the school?  That seems wrong..but I also don’t see the harm.  Then again, they might jump at the chance to save an otherwise lost soul. =P  If we start going to the church and familiarizing ourselves with it, maybe that will help.

Wow, welcome to my brain.  It’s exhausting. =)

You have to be 4 to get into Pre-K, right?  That’s not that far away.  She’ll be two in a few short months..and those two years flew by!  And you’d have to start the admissions process when she’s 3.  So essentially next year!  Yikes!!

Alright, I’m going to give my brain a rest now.

On a completely different topic:  We know why Emily hasn’t been sleeping.  She caught whatever tummy bug the nanny had.  She threw up yesterday and had diarrhea. =(  She otherwise seems to feel fine though.  I actually have the same thing.  My stomach bothered me yesterday and I have the same symptoms, minus the throwing up.  No fever or anything, so it’s not so bad.  She has barely eaten the last few days though, which is a bit scary when your kid is already on the low-end of the scale.  She looks noticeably thinner which I don’t like.  She is drinking plenty and staying hydrated though, so all we can really do is wait for her tummy to feel better.  

All right, she just woke up from her nap!

We are going to Phineus and Ferb LIVE with my sister and the kids in a little bit! =D



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At the private school I went to, you had to be members of the church to go to that school. Just helping you out with what I know.

January 27, 2013

Now you’ve got ME thinking of schools and what kind of school I want to send Cody to. I was confused about why you’d want to send her to private school until you mentionned that’s the route that you went. So that makes sense. I went to a Catholic grade school and high school but I don’t really practice my religion. I believe some things but not others (ie. I do believe gay marriages should be..

January 27, 2013

…allowed). I’m pretty sure my hubby went to a public school growing up. I’d have to do some research to decide where to send Cody. It’s hard for me too because my hubby’s side is not religious at all and my mom/dad are extremely Catholic and go to church a lot so I am going to encounter a lot of pushing from my mom to go the Catholic route when really I’m just not sure…

February 4, 2013

I think a lot of churches nowadays are geared more towards people that have a hard time believing. I am believe strongly in God and heaven, but we don’t go to church. I think going to the church that the school is affiliated with is the best thing to do because you will get a feel for what kind of environment she is going to be in. Parenting is HARD!