Big fat NO.

A big fat NO on the pregnancy test this morning.  They really need to have tests that break it to you a little more gentle, lol!  I used an expensive early detection digital one, so I’m pretty sure my period will start soon.  Bummer.
This month, whatever.  But I will be really disappointed if it doesn’t happen next month.  Whatever will be, will be though.  I might try to eat lower glycemic stuff the next few weeks just because I have NO idea how cystic my ovaries are nowadays.  They were pretty bad way back when and I was still able to get pregnant though.  I also remember that one of my Fallopian tubes was a little blocked and that I conceived both times from my other one.  So maybe this month was the wrong side.  All this analysis for one month without success, lol!  I hope for all our sakes it happens next month. =D
Oh, and KinderMusic was great last night!  Most of the kids were right around Emily’s age and it was a great group!  There was about 10 kids and a bunch if parent and only one kid really acted out.  Now…I’m not trying to be mean or catty, but I totally have to tell you about this lady.  She was a good 250+ pounds wearing shorts and sandals and a pretty tight shirt..shaved head except a strip on the top that turned into a short pony tail in the back.   I felt kind of bad for her because everyone else was, for lack of a better term, just normal looking moms and dads with their normal acting kids.  Then we go around the circle and introduce our kids and it was all pretty mainstream names (Emily, William, Parker, etc) and we get to her and her daughter’s name was Sword.  I even had to look at the kid’s name tag because I thought I heard it wrong!
Anyways, she happened to be the one kid that screamed through practically the entire thing.  I don’t think they’ll be back.  I like it when people have the guts to stand out and be unique and true to who they are, but there was something just very strange there.  To each their own, I suppose.
Emily seems to be a bit of a loner her mom, lol.  She would dance in the circle and participate, but then just wander around the other side of the room where no one was and sit down by herself.  She had a good time though.  They had them say animal sounds, which she loves to do, so when they asked what a dog says she would yell woof woof!! Lol.  So cute.  Lots of big smiles.  Worth the money!
Not much else going on.  Probably wont get to go home early much this week, so at least it’s a short week.  Bryan’s hours being cut back hurts our income though, so the more transcript I get, the better.  Supposedly next quarter he has a lot more hours, but sometimes that’s pointless if we have to pay the nanny a huge amount because of it.  Hopefully the hours will be in the afternoon again.  That way I get a lot of one-on-one Emily time, he gets the whole morning still, he’d still get home for her bedtime, but we don’t have to pay the nanny more.  Win-win.  
All right.. I guess I can start planning my wine and hot tub night in a few days. =)
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January 23, 2013

Ahhh you will totally get pregnant quickly… I just know it!

January 23, 2013

It’ll happen soon! Just remember you are 2+ years older than the last time, and it might take a few cycles longer. Or not. You just never know! RYN: I have thought about dairy but her formula is dairy based, and her irregular bms only started after solids. :/

January 23, 2013

Aw sorry about the BFN 🙁 Glad Kinder Music went well!! (Can’t believe someone named their child Sword!!)

January 24, 2013

Glad Emily enjoyed her class!!