I’m 30! *gasp*

My first entry as a 30-year-old! =) 

My birthday was on the 3rd and it was great.  I ended up being able to get the day off and Emily slept in until 9:00am!  Happy birthday to me indeed! =)  Bryan had cleaned the whole house and hung balloons after I had gone to bed, so that was a nice surprise to wake up to.  He had already given me the juicer as an early birthday present and so he kept asking me what I wanted him to do and I said please just try and be nice and kind and a little less imature for the day and that would be the best present.  And he did it!  It was like being married to a completely different person..ha! =)  But seriously, he really pulled through for the day and made it great.

My mom got us some Omaha steak and lobster and potatoes for Christmas and that’s what we had for dinner.  It was seriously delicious!  And my mom and sister got me a trip to Great Wolf Lodge!!!  What’s really giving away my age is that I would much rather go there than Vegas, lol!  I got to go to Vegas for my 25th birthday and I just wouldn’t want to go now.  I’m not taking a trip away from Emily and she wouldn’t have fun there and we wouldn’t get to do the majority of the things we would want to do..so Great Wolf is perfect!  I’m very excited. =) 

So, all in all it was the perfect birthday.  I kept thinking about how so many people have a list of things they want to accomplish before certain age milestones, and I’m not sure I had one exactly, but I feel like I’ve accomplished most everything I wanted to in my 20s.  I am very ready for my 30s!  I don’t know if I’ll have one or two more babies in this next decade, but then I get to watch them grow into themselves and start going to school and learning!  I’m very much looking forward to going on family trips, Hawaii, Disneyland, maybe a cruise.  Some day I’m sure I’ll want to go to Vegas again, but for the meantime I can’t imagine being away from my baby for even a day.  I have kissed her little cheeks every day of her life so far and I don’t think I could handle missing a day yet! =)

I only had to work Monday, Wednesday and Friday last week, so I’ve still had plenty of time with Emily since Christmas vacation.  Back to fulltime tomorrow though. =/  I think it will be a slow week at least.  The nanny’s first day back since early December is tomorrow.  She actually came over last night while Emily was asleep so we could have a date night, but she hasn’t actually interacted with Emily since early December, so she is happy to be able to see her tomorrow!  I feel bad for her because Bryan’s schedule is different this quarter and her hours are cut a lot because of it.  She gets almost $200 every two weeks less!  It’s still a lot of money, more than we would pay a daycare provider, but this is her employment and it would suck to be in that situation if I were her.  I honestly don’t know what we’ll do if she decides not to work for us some day.  I try and be as flexible and fair as possible as far as paying her..like we pay her until 5:30 no matter when I get home, which I usually get home much earlier..but if Bryan’s teaching schedule is different and we just don’t need her there as much, there’s not much we can do about that.  

I was thinking lately also about how I don’t plan on paying someone more after having another baby, either.  First off, I don’t think we could afford much more.  Secondly, some nannies don’t make as much as she does when they are watching multiple children.  That will be an awkward conversation.  Yeah, we’re having another baby but we don’t plan on paying you more even though you’ll be working much harder…=/  Ugh.  We might lose her on that one, but I’m not sure.  She likes us and we like her, so hopefully that will keep it together.  I’ll deal with that when we get to it, I suppose.  Not to mention when I’m on 3 months+ of maternity leave she won’t be getting paid.  Okay, I think we might definitely lose her, lol.  Let’s hope not.  She actually told me a few weeks ago she would love for us to have another baby for her to watch (just out of the blue!) but I guess she didn’t think it all the way through like that. =)

Hmm, what else.  Emily finally cut the tooth that was bugging her over Christmas break, had a couple nights of really great sleep, and then Thursday night it seemed to start all over and she’s getting another one.  So she’s been going to sleep late, waking up multiple times and getting up pretty early.  She took a three-hour nap yesterday though because she was so exhausted.  She’s in a great mood at least, but it’s definitely effecting the sleep!  I think she has all of her teeth now except the second molars and the canine tooth that’s coming through on top now, so hopefully we get a break from teething for a little while! 

Oh, and of course I have to talk about TTC.  My monitor is up and running and has me testing every day now…but (and you’ll all think I’m crazy) I actually think I might skip this cycle.  I know, I know, I am so freaking anxious and excited for it to just happen, but I was looking at due dates and stuff again and if I concieve on this cycle that means it would probably be a late September, very early October baby.  Not cool for a few reason:  It would be cutting my maternity leave really close and I might have to have a week or two unpaid right at Christmas time.  Second, our anniversary is September 19th and I’m selfish and don’t want to share special days, lol!  We go to the Space Needle every year for our anniversary, have never missed a year, and we obviously would have to stop doing that if that was our baby’s birthday.  I would rather be a giant pregnant blimp at it this years than actually give birth that day, heh. 

Buuuuut, what if I don’t concieve on my first try next cycle?  Then I’ll be really ticked off!  But I feel like it will be easy..I’m just really confident it will happen really quickly.  God I hope I’m not wrong.  I couldn’t get pregnant, had surgery and could get pregnant extremely quickly, and wouldn’t my luck be that going through a pregnancy and all that will actually make it harder to get pregnant this time around.  Go figure.  I’ll deal with that when I get to it..until then I’m saying it will happen when I want it to, dammit!  You will all hold my hand when I cry in disappointment, right? =)

Not much else to report.  Oh, I’m doing awful with my eating and I don’t even want to talk about it.  My intent was to do a juice fast starting the day after my birthda

y, and then of course I get to work and they have a party for me!  I mean, they specifically bought food and cake for my party…in pretty much any other circumstance I would have passed, but I just couldn’t.  That was a Friday and then I left my damn juice bottles at work so I had nothing to store it in this weekend!  Fail.  I still made juice Saturday but only one serving since I couldn’t store it.  Emily drank a lot of it too and then had a poop explosion, lol. Anyways, hopefully I clean up my act soon.  I refuse to even weigh myself at this point because I know what it’s going to say and I don’t want to hear it!

All right, must try and do something productive now while my baby naps. =)


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January 6, 2013

Happy birthday! I want to say that I’d do ANYTHING for a weekend in Vegas with my girls – but if you handed me the tickets and everything es said and done, I wouldn’t be able to leave my girls 🙁 About your nanny… Maybe you might like to have her around while you are on mat leave? Sort of like a post partum doula… Could really be a big help! And do you have anything else you could doto sweeten the deal with #2 that isn’t money? Maybe keeping her the extra hours you don’t need a Brian’s schedule changes so that you/Brian can get something done?

January 6, 2013

Happy birthday!! A trip to Great Wolf Lodge is an awesome gift! We really hope to go there one day with Cody 🙂 Hope conceiving is easy for you. Totally up to you if you want to skip a month. I can’t remember how long you took to conceive Emily. You’re still young though. I’m sure your fertility is still at a good level!

January 6, 2013

Glad you had a great birthday! Great Wolf sounds fun, I’ve always wanted to go there! Well, good luck with ttc, whenever decide to start!! Hopefully we’ll be pregnant around the same time! 🙂

January 7, 2013

I just ovulated around the 30th and it put my due date at the 22nd if I get pregnant. I think if you’ve not ovulated yet it would be safe 🙂