Christmas! *pics*

Well hellooooo!  We just got back home last night, so it’s finally time to update!

Christmas was great.  My family rocks though, so that’s usually a given. =) Emily was in a pretty good mood, for the most part.  She had one very grumpy day which ultimately was teething related.  She didn’t nap well or sleep good at night, wouldn’t really eat.  Poor girl.  The next day she was back to herself though!

I didn’t sleep for crap while we were there, so I was getting grumpier as the week went on, but I still had a great time.  I’m just really used to our mattress at home.  It’s hard and you can’t feel the other person tossing or turning, it’s a king so I have plenty of room, and we use separate blankets at home so we don’t tug them back and forth all night.  Going from that to a very soft queen sized bed where we share covers was not an easy transition, lol!  The first three nights I got maybe five hours of sleep a night and then I smartened up and got a separate blanket so I didn’t have to wake up 20 times at night trying to wrestle some back.  Of course that night Emily was teething pretty hard and I was up until almost 2am bouncing her, lol. 

Emily was so happy to spend time with her Kammy though.  I think it’s so funny how most people it takes an extremely long time for her to warm up to, even if she kind of knows them but hasn’t seen them for a while, but she just runs with open arms to my mom whenever we see her, lol.  When the nanny comes back on th 7th Emily is probably even going to give her a hard time since it’s been almost a month since she’s seen her.  Silly little girl. I can’t remember if I wrote about this or not, but they have a Kinder Music class at the library starting at the end of January, I believe, and Emily is finally old enough to go so I think I’m going to sign us up.  It’s expensive…but it’s after work and it’s inside and it’s the only way I can think to start getting her socializing a little.  It’s kind of practice for school, really.  I know that’s a ways away, but I’m already terrified of her reaction!  I’m hoping by the end of this Kinder Music thing we can walk in the room and she can feel comfortable leaving my side and actually interact with kids without worrying if I’m there or not.  Baby steps for my baby. =P

I officially hated those Honest Company diapers and I’m glad they’re finally gone.  They were so rough!  I bough some Huggies Pure & Natural because they come in Size 5 and they are perfect!!  I think I actually like them better then the Pampers Sensitives!  They are sooo soft and they work great.  No rashes or exzema flares, so it looks like we have ourselves some diapers!

Sorry this is all over the place, but I haven’t written in a while and things are starting to come back to me about what I wanted to write about, lol.

The week before last Bryan’s sister got arrested and spent the night in jail for shoplifting.  Not surprising, really.  She had three misdemeanor theft charges already I think, but from a very long time ago.  I called the prosecutor’s office while she was still in and they said they didn’t know if they would charge her in the end or not, so we’ll see.  She apparently told her family that she was grocery shopping and decided to take a cigarette break half way through and took the cart outside with her…?  But she also told her parents she didn’t go to jail, which she we’ll never know what really happened.  Long story short, Bryan finally talked to his parents.  The last time he spoke to them was in May, right before they blew off Emily’s birthday.  They didn’t call him or send a card on his birthday, no contact over Thanksgiving, and they actually didn’t even call until the day after Christmas.  And the reason they called is because they wanted more information about his sister.  He told his grandma she went to jail, grandma told them, yada, yada.  But whatever, it doesn’t really change much.  They still didn’t want to come see Emily and we’re right back to where we were, except there will probably be annoying phone calls and drama again.

Hmm, what else.  I had so much more to write about!

My family opens presents on Christmas Eve, so Christmas Day is pretty relaxed.  I had to run to the store during Emily’s nap and I decided to take a drive down memory lane while I was at it! =)  I was feeling very blessed and thankful.  There’s a place we call "the hook" and it’s essentially a long strip of land with water on both sides.  If it’s really nice outside you can see Canada on the other side of the water.  It’s really pretty.  Anyways, I drove out there, got out and climbed up the rocks and sat and watched the waves for a while.

It was cold and windy but it was great.  This sounds weird, but it felt good being in the elements, lol.  I was only wearing a thin sweater but sometimes it feels good to feel the wind and breathe the salty air and listen to the loud crashing of the waves.  It’s a sensory overload in a good way.

Then I drove by our old house:

No one lives in it now.  I think it was foreclosed on.  It’s so tiny though.  We lived there until I was 12, I believe.  I loved that house so much.  My best friends lived around me, my grandma lived across the street.  Goes to show that to kids money really doesn’t matter all that much.  We were poor, but we had a roof over our heads and food and we knew we were loved and it was great.  I remember when my mom told me we were moving.  We moved into a nice five-bedroom house off of a golf course, and I was mad for the longest time because I did NOT want to go, lol. 

Anyways, so it was nice to just drive around and have a little time to myself like that.

We went on a few walks while we were at my mom’s:

The gloves were obviously way too big, but they kept her hands warm when she would keep them on. =)



We went to a store to get the kids’ picture with Santa, but of course the second we put Emily on his lap she became hysterical, poor thing.  I thought since the kids were standing right there she would hold out, but nope.  Oh well.  While we were there she fell in love with a lightsaber, lol. 

Do not mess with me!! LOL

My sister went back later and got it for her for Christmas. =P  She loves it.

Here’s a few more random pictures before I get to the Christmas ones:

Kammy reading her a story. =) I have a really cute one of Emily hugging Jack before her nap (you saw it if you’re on my FB) but some whacko stole pictures of my sister’s kids so I try to leave those to FO entries only.

Tippy toes to look out the window. =)

And a cute profile pic =)

All right, here is my baby on Christmas!

Her serious face!

Happy face!

Watching a movie

Getting tired!

Never to tired to do this though! =)

Enjoying a snack!

Opening presents!  Woody from Toy Story!  She’s in love, I tell you!

Got a ton of books and she’s been asking to read a lot!

Her first doll!

Playing with woody the next day.
I don’t know why, but she loves playing in the pack and play when we’re at my mom’s, lol.

So that’s that. A lot of my entries are going to be about TTC for a while, as that is officially ON! =)  I’m on CD 6, so I’ve still got probably close to two weeks until I actually ovulate (it usually happens later in my cycle) but I started up the ovulation monitor today and it should have me start testing in the mornings pretty soon.  I’m excited. =)  I go back and forth between excitement and fear though.  Remember how I was having a tough time with Emily being mad at me because Bryan was staying home and I was going to work?  Well, I think that will be 100 times worse with a new baby.  This past week she has been back to all about mommy, super clingy and only wanting me a lot, and I’m not looking forward to her reaction after a new baby comes and she’s upset at me for it. =/  I know it will happen and I know she will get over it, but I can already see that that will be hard.  If I’m stuck in a chair feeding a new baby and not spending as much time with her, I know what her reaction will be.  But I guess life will adjust eventually.

She is going to have a tough time when I go back to work tomorrow, too.  A few days ago when we were still at my mom’s I was exhausted and I asked Bryan if I could just sleep a little longer and could he get up with Emily.  I never do that.  I’m always the last person she sees at night and the first in the morning and I love it that way, but I was just so tired.  Anyways, that didn’t go well. That was the day she ended up being very grumpy.  She screamed and screamed, wouldn’t eat breakfast for him.  I ended up not being able to sleep, of course, and when I came out she was so upset that I picked her up from her high chair and she just hugged me like she was never letting go!  Poor sweetpea.

Anyways, she’s about to get up from her nap so I need to go!  Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!  We don’t have plans for New Year’s and I’m not going to even bother asking the nanny if she can watch Emily because I’m sure she has plans herself.  A night in sounds good too though.  Have I mentioned i’m turning THIRTY in four days!?!? Aggg, how did that happen?  Lol!  I’m looking forward to my 30s though, so it’s all good. =)



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December 30, 2012

We are at the similar ttc spot :). I just o’d so I’m starting my 2ww isn’t it exciting? I’m nervous as all get out though b/c I had two m/c this year.

December 30, 2012

Is this Whdbey? Sequin? Port Angeles? Lol all looks the same to me! Adding is hard, and heartbreaking when the elder sib acts out because of it, no sugar orating there-but when you see the siblings together, in their own little world that has nothing to do with you, you will see that you have given Emily an amazing gift! I’ll be 30 in April… Weird, but married with a mortgage and two kids… How am I NOT 30? Lol Ryn- usually K naps in her swing, but if she does nap in bed with M I’m always in the office across the hall because I’m afraid M will steamroll her! I have something called a humanity cosleeping pad (google image it) and the other side I just line with pillows. No one has rolled off yet! And omg I miss bed sex more than ANYTHING! Definitely the ingest drawback to cosleeping… But we have lots of years or that I guess… For now it’s the floor or a bathroom counter or dining room chair or bent over the fireplace or, or, or… least we get the rest of the house…? 😉

December 30, 2012

Whoa, forgive the terrible iPad typing lol

December 30, 2012

Micah has exzema pretty bad and gets horrible redness and irritation with any other diaper than huggies. I love pure & natural when she was an infant, I didn’t know they made them in 4 & 5’s..I’ll have to look for them!

December 30, 2012

Gorgeous pictures and sounds like you had some nice time off relaxing with your Mom. Good luck TTC. I’ll have all my fingers and toes crossed for you 🙂 I have a clingy baby too but I’m expecting by the time he’s 2 and the new baby arrives at least some of that will have worn off. Hopefully anyways 🙂