It’s December!*

Do you ever have those days where so many things go wrong that you just have to laugh? That was my day yesterday and this morning. Well, a little bit of Saturday too, but not that bad. Saturday morning started off normal, but I completely forgot that my niece and nephew were coming over, lol! I was so excited about it all week and then the day came and I forgot. Then when they got here, Emily had just gone down for a nap. So here’s an 8-year-old and a 5-year-old who are excited to be here and ready to do all these fun things..but Emily napped for two and a half hours!! So a lot of it was me asking them to please play quietly. =( They weren’t interested in watching a movie and we played a few games, but it was admittedly very boring. 

After Emily got up and ate lunch it was fun. We went in the hot tub and they enjoyed that. But my sister and mom got back immediately after and then they had to go. So…not what any of us were expecting, but at least I got to spend some time with them. =)
Sunday started out fine, but rapidly went downhill. Emily is getting ready to cut another tooth apparently and is a bit of a cranky pants. It’s because I said how easy going she was recently, lol! Jinxer. Oh well. Anyways, I got dressed up in the pants and shoes I wanted to wear for our pictures so I could find a top that would match. The cutest boots, I tell you. But they are high heeled, not to mention I bought them about 5 years ago when my feet were about a size smaller. So we’re in the mall, Emily refusing to be held but not wanting to go any direction we want/need to go. She refuses to sit in the stroller so we don’t bother bringing one. I wish we had. We had my coat, Bryan’s coat, Emily’s coat and my purse. So then Emily refused to walk after that, but only I could hold her apparently. So Bryan’s arms are full with all our stuff, I’m teedling around holding a heavy toddler while my feet are killing me. She doesn’t want to hold still to look at clothes (don’t blame her there). It was madness, I tell you. 
It was just so overwhelming. I was feeling very anxious, actually. I was sweating my ass off and I felt like I couldn’t move because of all the holiday shoppers. We ended up just leaving and going grocery shopping. Thank goodness I keep extra shoes in the car because I put on some comfy boots instead and that helped a lot. =)
This morning I go to start my car and it was dead, of course. Grr. I turned on the light to get Emily out of her carseat yesterday and forgot to turn it off. And my juicer spewed a bunch of chewed up veggies at me earlier as well. Ha!  
I’m on Day 3 of the juice fast, btw. Which is probably contributing to my grumpiness. Not to mention Bryan decided to order a delicious smelling pizza on Day 1, then last night had shrimp and cocktail sauce and was going on and on about how good it tasted and can’t I just have one. ARGG. If I have one shrimp, then I’ll tell myself I can have one of this and one of that too. I know myself well enough to just not do it. I feel really good today though. I think I’m generally a bloaty person and this takes away the bloat completely.
One of our cats seemed to have a problem with its ear for the last few days, so last night we were finally able to get a good look at it. We noticed she was holding it down for a few days and it seemed like one of the other cats beat her up because it looked like there was a wound and some blood. We had leftover pain meds from something else one of the cats needed it for a while back, so we gave her that and hoped it would get better. It didn’t, so Bryan took her to the vet this morning. With the aforementioned cranky baby and a very cranky cat who hates going to the vet. I did not envy him, lol!
Turns out the poor cat never was beat up, it was just an ear infection! I wonder why that came out of the blue like that. They were able to clean it and drain it and all those fun things, gave us pain meds and antibiotics. I hope it makes her feel better soon, poor thing.
I promised pictures in all my December entries, so here’s some random ones:

The house across the street. I love how beautiful it looks all decorated!

*Possibly* the skirt Emily is going to wear for our family photos.  White tights and maybe a white sweater?  Gah..I can’t find anything!!

Such a BIG girl!!

These kitties make excellent pillows. =)
So it took an HOUR to bounce her to sleep tonight.  I just don’t know what to do anymore.  She is getting waaay too big for it and my back is freaking killing me.  I was sweating my ass off and close to tears because it hurt so bad!  But what else can I do!? She screams and cries if you hold her still, like lay down in a bed with her or something.  If you keep her up late enough to the point where you think she’d just pass out, that of course makes her cry harder when you try and get her to go to sleep.  Anything involving putting her down or laying her down while she’s still awake is going to involve a lot of crying.  Any suggestions? =/
Time for bed.


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December 4, 2012

Cute skirt! Target should have cute toddler sweaters!

December 4, 2012

We went through that with Archer when he was about 9 months old and I called one of my friends crying because it didn’t matter that I was lying down with him he would just scream and she told me if he is going to scream with me why don’t I just let him scream in his bed by himself. I had never done that with my other boys, but I did it and he went to sleep after 20 minutes of crying.

December 4, 2012

The next night he didn’t cry at all when I put him in his bed. All I know is that every kid is different and I didn’t want to let him cry, but for him it worked.

December 5, 2012

When I did the juice fast I noticed it took away my bloating too! It was insane how much my stomach went down and I could contribute some to weight loss but I know a lot of it was from bloating. I haven’t had a juice since my fast was over but now that my vacation is over, I want to drink at least 1 a day and do a juice day once a week or so. We’ll see!

December 5, 2012

ryn- you’ll be fine through your pregnancy because you’re totally aware (yay juice!) – you’ll gain what your body and baby needs and it will fall right off as soon as you have her (oh, I just called another girl!). I lost the 19 I gained with K in the first two weeks post partum…. I just had a bunch MORE to lose… so say you get preggo tomorrow, gain 30, you will probably be 125 by 2-3 mo post partum! I seriously think pregnancy/post partum months is a great diet once you are totally in tune with what you’re putting in your body. Imagine what I could weigh right now if it hadn’t been for all the chocolate and other sugar sources I’ve consumed in the last year!!! Anyway, that was a really long winded way of saying that I don’t think your next baby will throw a wrench in anything! 😉 Yay for being healthier Mommies!

December 6, 2012

That skirt will be really cute with a white sweater and white tights. Cody does the same thing with lying on the cats. It’s so cute! Luckily one of my cats is very easy-going. RYN: That’d be great if you’re not far behind me and we’re both preg at the same time again, this time with me ahead of you 🙂 Oh and don’t talk about bloating. I feel like a huge inflated balloon right now. Ugh!