NoJoMo 28!

So Emily had the second round of her flu shot today. =(  It was actually a pain to schedule.  We both like to be there for those kinds of things, but I obviously work during the day and Bryan works from 1:30-4:30 today, she naps from 11:30 to 2:00ish, so I had no idea when we would actually get it done.  Fortunately my morning was short and we were able to take her in at 11:30 even though it cut into her nap a little.


It wasn’t bad.  It was sad though because I met them there, she was so happy to see me, literally gets a shot less than a minute later, then we pretty much had to say goodbye because I had to go back to work and she had to go home for her nap.  So, “Hi, have this needle jab!  See you later!” =(  Poor baby.  It all happened so quick that she only cried for about 10 seconds.  They have a fish tank right outside the room and the second we walked out she was smiling and pointing at the fish, lol.  That’s my girl. =)


She apparently took less than an hour nap today though.  I’m not too terribly surprised, because when her routine is messed with everything usually goes wonky.  I’ll be home pretty early today at least.  I’m going back and forth on whether to take her to the story time at the library tonight.  Sometimes she gets a fever from shots and I know she’ll be tired.  Then again, she’s usually fine when she doesn’t nap long as long as she’s entertained.  


I know we’ve had a lot of struggles with her sleep, and the first few months of her colic, which was actually allergy related or her reacting to the antibiotics I was on, but she is actually the easiest baby.  She is just so easy going.  She has her moments like any little kid does, but for the most part she is calm and happy and engaged.  I fought pretty hard to not have her watching TV and stuff when she was younger, and clearly lost that battle.  Funny part is she only watches it when she’s tired or we sit there and watch it with her.  It can be on and she will sit there pointing to characters in books or playing with her train and toys.  I lie, the iPad is the reason she doesn’t hate the car now.  It’s always on when she’s in the car now.  Even then she’s usually got a book in her face anyways, lol.  So, battle lost, but not the end of the world, apparently.


I think it’s funny some of the battles parents think they need to fight.  I’ve got plenty of them, lol!  But just reading other people’s parenting can be very interesting sometimes.  I mean, honestly, as long as you love your kid and do what you think is right for them, I don’t care what you do.  Even though I’m pro-vax and am very adamant about that, I don’t think the parents who aren’t doing it are stupid or trying to hurt their children.  It’s just a different point of view and people trying to do what they think is right.  But sometimes it seems to go a little far.  I don’t even remember who I was reading (not on my friend’s list, actually) but it was criticizing having your kid try to say the word of something before you give it to them.  Like if they want a cup, having them say cup before you do it.  


I can see why the extreme would be horrible, like not giving them the cup just because they didn’t say that and the kid being really upset.  But I have Emily repeat things  And she loves it.  Obviously I wouldn’t ask her if it bothered her..but she loves trying to say things and it’s a fun game for her.  She always smiles before she tries to say it, especially if it’s a new word.  So there’s probably parents out there who would see me in the library having Emily say “book” and thinking I’m pushy or something?  I don’t know. Then again, I usually give her the book and point to it and ask her to say it.  I don’t withhold things from her.  Anyways, I think that’s funny, that there are people out there who analyze things like that so closely.


Emily is getting so vocal lately though.  She’s really into pointing to things and having me say them so then she can try to say them.  She seems to use “dah” a lot for things though.  Like “trash” is “dah”, lol.  “Dip” is “Dih!”  I’m amazed at how I can actually talk to her now and she can understand what I’m saying, and she talks and I know what she’s saying.  She can say up and down and walk, so I know if she wants up or to be put down and when she wants to wa

lk or be picked up.  She makes a sound that I know means crackers, she says “poo” for pouches, she calls her almond butter “dih” (dip, because we dip things in it, lol).  If I ask her if she wants to feed the cats, she runs to the kitchen and gets a cat food can out for me.  If I tell her I have to go potty she drags me to the bathroom.  If I tell her to sit or stand she does.  If I tell her to lift her leg (putting on socks or pants) she does it.  It’s like she understands everything, I swear!  She knows what the TV is, what her toys are, what and where the windows are, what her crib is, her stuffed animals, what blocks are, what books are, she can point out people in pictures on our wall.  She knows her animal sounds.  Every time she sees a monkey she goes “oo-oo-ahh” and she growls for a lion/tiger.  I got a video of her sounding like a horse because it’s hilarious.  It’s literally her doing an extremely high pitched laugh.  She does elephant pretty well too. =)  


What I’m trying to say is my child is a genius, of course. =P  But aren’t all of our children? 😉


Anyways, it’s almost 3:00, meaning I can go home and see that genius baby now!  

Until tomorrow..


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November 28, 2012

Isn’t it amazing how many words they learn and repeat a day?! Micah can pretty much say whatever I say to her and then say it back to me in the right context when not prompted. And the parenting thing totally gets me on here. So many people are extremely “pro-this” “anti-that” that I rarely talk about it. I do what I feel is best for my daughter and that’s that! Mommy politics is horrible!

November 28, 2012

I think it’s so cool how she tries to say things when you say them. Cody is so silent I wonder when he will start saying stuff. It will definitely be a shock when he does. He’s such a quiet observer 🙂