I Always Think Of It When We Drive By.
Bowling for Soup is going to be awesome. I can’t wait. I wish it was tonight.
1.) When you sign a document do you sign with your middle name or initial? I wouldn’t know. Never signed a fancy middle name needing document.
2.) On a scale of 1-10 how tough are you?
-Physically: 5.
-Emotionally: 5.
3.) Do people perceive you to be tougher than you really are? I don’t think so.
4.) How old were you when you first realized you were getting older? Young.
5.) Favorite movie? I have a couple, but right now I’d have to say Moulin Rouge.
6.) When you first come home from a long day where do you go first? My bedroom to put my stuff away.
7.) What one word would you use to describe yourself? Me.
-What word would your best friend use? Real.
8.) What word would you use to describe your best friend? More.
9.) How long have you been friends? Well this specific one, a little over 4 months.
10.) What’s the biggest fight that has happened between you guys? I don’t think I’ve ever fought with my little Pistachio. Have we?
11.)What is one item that is constantly in your fridge? Garlic.
-Bathroom: Toliet paper.
-Car: In my mom’s car, maps.
-Coffee Table: Remote.
12.) If you were exiled to a foreign land, what would it be for? People finding out the terrible things we’ve said/discussed.
13.) Where do you sit when you go to the movies? Towrds the very front, in the centerish.
-Do you ever go to the movies alone? I think I did once, but not usually.
14.) Are your earlobes attached? Nope.
15.) Do you have a widow’s peak? Nope.
16.) Do you have brothers or sisters? 2 sisters.
-What are their names? Indya and Asheli.
-Are you close? Not really, more so one than the other.
-Do they look like you? Nope.
17.) Do you like veggie or beef eggrolls? Beef. Wow, I haven’t had those in awhile.
18.) What’s the last great book you read? 100 Strokes of the Brush Before bed.
-Why was it so good? It was just really good. Sad, but good.
19.) Do you have a cell phone? Yes, yes I do.
-What type of cover is on it? Cover? It’s silver if that’s what you mean.
20.) Who do you talk to most on an average day? Erikama.
I don’t believe we have ever fought >Erika
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i cant wait to get the bear.. he’s going to sit on my bookshelf next to the mickey mouse that indya gave me and the yellow bird from charlie brown show that my mom gave me. Its going to be great!
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