Bush won!!!!!! YEah!!(end of political rants)

Well im glad the election is over with out any electional problems!!!! i think some people who left me notes have good ideas but not the whole picture. I dont even have the whole picture. but Bush is the better man in office. and the public voted as they saw fit. A lot of people said the huge voter turn out was because people wanted change. Well, we didn’t did we? We elected president for a second term of office. A lot of people must have decided that he was doing a okay job and we wanted him in the white house rather than kerry who would sell our intelligence secrets and really his record for surving his country is a load of crap He didn’t serve his country he hindered it.  BUt these are all my oppions you have to accept that these are oppionions. ok? so chill.  let  me express my voice and thoughts as i am meant to.

for noters who told me to enlist. i would if i could but can’t because of health reasons. so Ner!!! I am in total agreement with one of my noters on my miltary segment rant about kerry and people in the military.  he wouldn’t have pulled us out of there he would have added more troops. and asked for help and other countries would have laughed in his face and told him to get lost.  Our country is a great place to live. Other countries dont have the rights we do so if you dont like it here. Go live in one of the countrys that dont have our kind of rights as citizens and see how u like it wishing someone would come rescue you but they dont. See if you like it then!! and get back to me on that. cus i’d really like to know if you felt the same way as ya do now.

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Understand this. For the next four years, every bit of bad news that will come down the pipes; every death of an American soldier in Iraq; every terrorist act against our now openly aggressive nation; every slip in the economy;

…every backhanded deal that benefits the rich and hurts the rest of us; every affront to the rights and freedoms and of all men and women; and all the other atrocities and absurdity this administration has yet to enact, these are ALL on your heads.

I’m on your side. And I will sign my name to that! *looks up at unsigned noters*

And MAYBE all of these residents of the blue states should have went out and voted Kerry in if they thought he was a better man, because Bush won both the popular & electoral votes!

November 3, 2004

I, too, am proud to support Bush & happy that he won. So there, anonymous noters!

You have every right to vote for who you want. However, I disagree with Bush on pretty much every single issue. Kerry wasn’t much better. But damn I hate that Bush won.

you are just one of those stupid, ignorant, naive, american people who elected that asswipe because he can get you oil, and keep your fire alive. it’s true that half the country elected him because half the country is as uninformed and moronic as you.watch the country crumble from your firey, oily hell.

Hi, finally! another Bush supporter! I felt alone out here in OD oblivion…I agree with you…he IS the better man in office.

November 3, 2004

I’m sorry! I wasn’t signed in just now^^^

November 3, 2004

i am sorry people left such dumb notes *HUGS*

RYN: The VAST majority of the military votes conservate (>60% voted for Bush). There’s are reasons we enlist and those reasons will never be acknowledged in the ivory towers of academia. In 1992, Clinton said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” In 2004, I say, “It’s values, stupid.” You esentially asked me why I voted for Bush. It’s not b/c “he’s the lessor of two evils.” It’s b/c he’s fighting evil.

E.g.~3000 US abortions a day. More Americans have been murdered in CA than Iraq (over same timeframe). More Iraqis were killed by Sadaam’s forces than by Americans. People don’t like to think about the cost of inaction. When Germany bombed Pearl Harbor (wait..never mind, the Germans didn’t attack us [except our war supply ships going to Britain]). In WWII and Iraq II, we saved more than we killed.

November 3, 2004

a question for ya. why do u say that kerry would sell our intelligence? i am not trying to start a fight but i am curious to learn your views. and to comment on an above noter. it is true that there were more red states then blue, but if you notice, all the southern, rural,simple, lower class and most likely less educated states voted for bush. the states in the north and states with more smarts..

November 3, 2004

voted for kerry. that tells ya something. i mean even here in ca the northern and middle of the state went for bush and the southern part went kerry. northern and middle ca is rural area and the rest is more industrial. just shows what kind of mantality generally votes republican. this may sound mean but hey we all have our freedom of speech…unless your “great” president decides differently.

“Health reasons”-get on a treadmill, will you? I’m glad I finally blocked you on my messengers. I’m convinced you’re completely retarded, none of what you say makes ANY sense. People like you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.