Things on my mind

– 1 Not exactly sure how the roomie thing is working out. As it stand right now 4 people are living here permently and a 5th one is temporary… too mean thats a little too many for a two bedroom house. n no none of the two guys is my bf. ones my oringal roomies bf.

-2-  IF J n i could swing i would to try rooming together…But that really depends on him n me and getting a few things straightened out… cus we both want to but because of jobs n my education it wouldn’t work out right now…. *sighZ* i really love him!

I’ll have to continue later… cus i have to go to school… theres much more on my mind….

-3– i know how to share but certain things that i end up sharing are buggin me… like the computer my origenal roomie has never gotten tho she said she would cus her Aunt is giving it to her. i just worry about what other things are going and what people are putting on to my computer….

— my car n cell if i share my car with one of the guy roomies, i share my cell phone in case something happens…. my Cell bills gone up my mom’s noticed since i have moved in with My roomie, and even more so since i’ve gotten a bf (J) Since i have mobile Messenger….

-4— Lots of bad news in the Family department _— Death toll this month my bday is drumroll this year 2!! what a big surprise . a cousin’s parent on my mom’s side of the family, and Aunt for me on me dad’s side. plus a another family member has found out she has lung cancer!!

My uncle is still being a dick about my Grandmas Estate. My mom n Aunt are back on speaking terms *surprised about this but glad* which is semi good news for the rest of us… i think.

Thats all of my major vents right now that wish to speak of but at least i feel better…

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Venting’s always fun 🙂 Sorry to hear about all the misfortunes in the family department.. I know that can be pretty tough on everyone. Oh yeah, and I hope you and J end up rooming together, ’cause that’d probably make the two of you a lot happier (and bring you closer together.. literally). Anyway, good luck. *hugs*

March 26, 2004

Whew! Sounds like things are pretty crazy where you’re living. I’m lucky I get along with my family.