My psycho Babble

How can u just sit there and listen to me..

i can’t even listen to me..

u just sit there and take it and then u dont say a thing.

and that scares me.. but should it? i dont think so.. but it does..

now i wonder what i have gotten myself into.. a pleasure cruise, or pain syphony.

listening to Creed My Sacrifice and it brings tears to my eyes just thinking of u.. and whats going on..

you need to get out enjoy life u say.. but how when all i know is pain and heartache.

U say tune it out focus on happy things.. but only u can make me happy i say.. for the lifes’ little pleasures..

my little random thoughts running through my head that i had to write down before i went completely crazy… so yeah.. just my pyscho babble.. aka the voices in my head battling back an forth again.

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I hate the voices in my head and that’s why I like this entry. Peace, child. ;)– Saccharine Soul

I’m sorry..