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LftBhndW2002: u’ll reconize the person in this poem but their merely questions that have been poundign my brain that i have no answers too

LftBhndW2002: BornAgainRebuilding – is it love?

Anasazi83: Geez who is that “him” person

Anasazi83: Hun don’t worry… Love is pretty much what you make it.

Anasazi83: For ever single person it is different.

Anasazi83: for one person it could be someone what is willing to spend time with them.

Anasazi83: for another it could be the person with the biggest chest or the longest penis.

Anasazi83: It could be someone that has EXAVTLY the same interestes.

LftBhndW2002: my mind keeps tellign me what my heart wants to hear and i know its not going to h appen and yet my heart and mind beilve

LftBhndW2002: and now i can’t even cry in peace because my sis has invaded the computer room just to check her mail

LftBhndW2002: so what do i do nwo?

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