A Memory
My dearest Nicki.
It is 1:20AM and I cannot sleep. All of my thoughts turn to you. You are consuming my mind. I have been going over all of my memories of you.
Suddenly I am wearing my Class A uniform green button up shirt, wearing a white undershirt, and my green dress pants. I am lecturing a high school class on why they should join the Army. It is 2003.
Lunch has arrived. I go with my recruiter over to the Front Office, near the Cafeteria.
You approach me. Time slows down. You’re wearing black shoes/boots, a black skirt, and a red short sleeve shirt. You tell me about your Dad being in the Army. About your birth in Germany.
You tell me your name. It is forever written on my soul. I am lost in your eyes. You’re standing there talking to me, with your arms so tight against your sides. Almost like you’re at attention, but you’re staring me dead in the eyes, your head leaning slightly forward. I cannot look away.
Your friends also introduce themselves and pipe in. Their names are now faded from my memory (sorry). They seem like cool people. They’re gamers as well.
Time runs out. You and your friends walk away. How I wish you would stay! My recruiter comes from the Office and begins telling me the plan for the rest of the day.
I am not really listening. I watch you from the corner of my eye. You and your friends are loitering by the side of the cafeteria. You are so animated! So full of life! You move. You spin. It’s almost as if you’re dancing… while they just stand there, leaning against the building, talking.
Something happens. I don’t know. I’m too far away to hear. One of your friends backs away from you suddenly. You kick at him. He half blocks it. I smile. You are so alive. You are so beautiful.
I have to leave. I feel sad. I take one last look at you, then turn and go.
Sweet dreams, Nicki. I love you.
re: lolllll yes, that is actually what our notes were about.. hahah.
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Sounds like a good memory. -J
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