Little Will Know

Little will know the sounds I describe

Of tiny foot steps I hear at night

Of the eerie creeping of a life I once knew.

The slow and painful journey I am forced to

Crawl through.

[My knees are starting to bleed]


No, little will know the feelings I describe

Of beautiful mornings interrupted by

The scream of a child and a mother’s slap,

little will know of that.


 [But even fewer will forget.]

Little will know the sounds of healing

Of forgiving and moving and stealing

Hope from

The steady stream, dripping

The horrible life that is leaking,

Through the cracks we made in the floor.

[Trust me when I say,

It  all melts away in the end.]

Log in to write a note

That’s really clever…honestly

hmm.. thought provoking..

HaY HoLLy..YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHAT DAViD DiD FOR YOUR ONE YEAR! Come leave me a note, I am DYiNG to know what he did. ANyway, I hope that your summer is great.. I love you’re such an awesome person. Amanda-Leigh p.s. im trying to go to church more should be proud! =)

RYN: You believe in a god that has done nothing! Do go bashing on me for my believes or my mental state of mind. Its people like you that piss me off, pushing your beliefs on others, trying to make them feel like your religion is the only one. Prove that God is real, for i have seen nothing of his “greatness”

pretty. thank you for your notes. but i am seeing a psychologist and psychiatrist. i go to camp next week and if i’m still doing shitty i’ll probably end up in a day program or something. no worries.

wow! your deep!

Wow! This one’s excellent! You’re really talented, well done.