rocks in my head

Nothing has meaning

Unless it means You.

Each minute this clock

Counts is simply

To bring You closer

But you may never feel

How I feel.

How I twitch.


I tremble.


I’m more scared now then

I was as

 a little girl.

weren’t those the worst days of my life?

so aren’t these supposedly

Those unforgettable



Whispers and Secrets

are flying through my head.

Nothing has meaning unless

It means You.

So this pain

Must link me back to your lies.

Causing this fall

Your fall

But the Cold grey pavement

Is against my face.

[i forgot to catch myself.. you’re usually there.]

I can feel each rock

Digging into my head.

These rocks are my only friend.

They tell me you still love me.

These rocks, they live inside me.

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But remind me,

That nothing grows in concrete.


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your first real note… all i have to say is.. that was deep. and amazing

i like this part: i forgot to catch myself.. you’re usually there. very good.