A One Act Circus

Now introducing, a spectacular Act

For the opening number, she stuns them with grace

Approaching with good posture intact

A fake smile pasted on her face…


Skillfully she drowns all emotion,

Disappearing behind a frozen glance.

Eyes glaze over , blurring all this commotion.

Simply moving, to become lost in the dance.


Nod now, smile next…

Say yes, now no, tap your hand, and take a drink…

Never let it show and they’ll never see through.

They’ll never see the giant lump in your throat.

Silent screams cut it out.

They’ll never know of the glass

Ripping flesh from your stomach.

Going blind from the well

OF tears in her eyes,

But they don’t see such a pathetic cover-up.

This is what you are best at.

This is why you are here.


Knowing well that her performance is crucial,

She waits in agony for the final act.

Cutting her hand to ease the twitches

Knowing that she can’t fool the world,

Without fooling herself.


Desperately clinging to the hope

Of a reality.

Questioning anyone who may be willing to guide her

 “Am I really here?

<span style=”font-size: 10pt; font-family: "MS Sans Serif";”>Can they see past this Great Pretender I am?

What must I do to give it up,

And what will I risk if I do?”


The drum line inside her heart begins to beat

The crowd hushes in anticipation.

Everyone’s focused on this Act of Defeat

But the main performer is trembling with tension


They are piecing her together. They are figuring her out.

Panicked, Torn, She sees their enlightened eyes glowing.

And the curtains have fallen; she’s missed the final bow.

Have they noticed that she blinked?

She needs to know if they were disappointed…

Would they like their money back,

Now that the Spectacular Act is through.

Log in to write a note


Hey, pLz look at my entry ~The Battle Begins~ and answer the question by leaving a note. THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU ROCK! All you have to do is write the name of who *you* think has “The Vibe” ~.^

wow that was awesome.. and deep. it kinda reminds me of the book im reading. when the girl is like, going crazy because the guy it piecing her together. But all those notes are really weird.. because mimy is like HAHA IM LAUGHING SO HARD. and im like.. i was right behind you when you wrote that. but i wasnt… confusing. love ya

hey loser. its becky. this is a private diary.. so u cant go there. i just love you

reminds me of myself. i like it. sad, but brillant. she’s coloring with