Kiddos well baby stats*
It was a day off of school for weather for some reason. Life is so much easier with Samara around and Travis and Bonnie gone. I know this sounds harsh.
Sirris had a well baby today, and as luck would have it they had a cancelation and they were able to do all three kids well child checks at once. It made my life easier, well not easier. but it worked out.
It was quiet a challange to get them all there, I feel like fainting most of the time, and I am short of breath.
So the stats on the kiddos,
Samara at 6
She is 44.5 inches tall and 42 pounds. She is approimately in the 40% for height, and 30% for weight. She is perfectly healthy, and growing well
Sabastian at 18 months
is 25 pounds and 32 inches tall which puts him approimately in the 40% for both. In the past 3 months he went from the 10% to the 40%. It is a testament to just how hard eating gluten when you are allergic to it really destroys your immune system, and was causing him to not grow as well as he should. He is so much healither now… It is amazing. Other than a runny nose he is healthy now.
He is still crazy, and struggling with being a big brother, but he is getting there slowly.
Sirris at 8 days.
he is now 8 pounds 12 ounces, which if you recall puts him over his birth weight! He is getting plenty to eat, and is growing well. He is wonderful, no thrush, no jaundice, nothing. He is amazing. Simply amazing! He is about on the 50% for his height and weight.
I have to say that I am not looking forward to tomorrow… Sabastian starts speech in the morning, and then I have an iep meeting, which I am emotionally not ready for, and then labs, and then an inscion check at the ob and then to get Samara from therapy…
I almost want them to admit me to the hospital until they can get my iron up… I am so weak I feel awful, and am pretty much useless…
Good growing… and I’m sorry you feel weak. Hopefully they can continue you on your path to healing and healthiness.
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Pickle had the same growth problems when they were saying he had reflux and it was multiple for food allergies. xxxxxxxxxx
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