The Christmas entry

 So Christmas, I know I am a week late or so, but I am finally getting to it. 

It was nice this year, Christmas was really spread out, and it nice. Of course we had 3 Christmases. You know I am okay with that. 

On the Saturday before we went to his moms. I got there early to help, and proceeded to spend the next few hours wrapping all their gifts. It is frustrating because I had offered, and offered, and offered, and she waited until the last moment to ask for help. Travis got on her for that. The thing is I was physically feeling better a month ago. 

The kids were being crazy because of all the Christmasness going on, and their house despite how large fills quickly with that many people. I was so disappointed in the lack of parenting going on. I put Samara in time out twice, whereas her cousin was not pnished at all for doing the same thing she was told not to do. The funny thing about discipline, is it works better when it is consistant. Not punishing her at grandmas just means she will see where else she can act up. 

The food was mehh… as usual. I think it is because the food is NOT what I am used too. They always make ham, and pork and myself are not friends. Plus add in nausea… It was just mehhh… Plus having 3 grandkids with celiac like symptoms, they are lost. 

They sang me fricking happy birthday, and I was fuming. I didn’t eat their cake. The cake is so filled with soy I know better. DO you know what the frosting on grocery store cakes is made of? Shudders.

The presents were nice. We got much needed money to pay bills, and afford gas! 

The kids got presents, but not in excess! I was so pleased. They both got a few outfits, and about 2 toys. Not too much. Samara got hand me down tag books and pen, which look like they have never ever been used. Not horrible, she lvoes them.

The biggest present was the kids roller coaster. I can not wait till it is spring, and warm enough to go outside and play with it. It is currently in my hallway.

The next Christmas was my family. 

It was MOnday, Chrsitmas eve. It was nice. I didn’t have to cook just order pizza. I did have to clean. I always have to clean. 

Everyone came over, and it was nice. I got my big present, which is crystal head vodka. Now think about that for a moment.

I love the bottle, and I am in love with skulls. But giving a pregnant woman vodka?

I got new jammies and socks as well. Always nice!

It was good to be with family, even if one of my sisters is too too loud. 

That night my brother proposed, and we were all super excited. 

The next morning was just our Christmas. It was once again nice, and quiet. We went no where, and did nothing! We opened presnets, made yummy food, and I painted. The kids played with toys. Sabastian got a toy ride in car, and he spent all day in that. Samara got new leap pad games, and she has since beat them. She is too too smart.

I have pictures from Christmas, but I am too blehh to actually upload them. Here in the link too them.  And gasp now you know my last name… LAughs..

I did sort through clothes, and I found out I have 4 sleepers in the small size. 0-3 months, I am super picky about them. 

The bigger sizes I can’t even think about without wanting to panic. It didn’t help sorting clothes, just made me more anxious. 

I want to/need to go to fort wayne today. I need more zofran.I have to have more zofran, the only thing is Samara just wants to stay home… What am I to do? 

Plus I need to know if people are coming to my house tonight, or going to my sisters… But at nearly 10 am why would anyone asnwer thier phone?
























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December 31, 2012
December 31, 2012

Don’t think about the bigger sizes until you actually need them. Less overwhelming that way.

December 31, 2012

Think of the vodka as an after the baby treat. Or make a great vodka sauce?

December 31, 2012
December 31, 2012

sounds like a nice christmas!! If you like that skull vodka, you should check out the KAH vodka.. it’s awesome!!!

January 1, 2013

Happy New Year my lovely! I hope this year Is a good one for you xxxx