A no & go away

 I am so angry. I got the appeal back from the insurance company saying no to ABA. 

It says even though we know it is proven, and fda approved, and the go to treatment for the neurological condition of autism, we dn’t feel like paying for it, so we don’t have too.


I called, and asked if they even read it, they said yes, but automatically deny all autism claims. I was then told there was nothing more I could do. I was basically told to shut up and go away. 

They said unless ERISA is reppealed they don’t have to do anything, and the chances of ERISA being reppealed are slim to none. It is a union law kept in place by deep union pockets. 

Then Tricare oh Tricare, it will take an act of congress to get things done with them, and at this rate it won’t happen this year. Seeing as the fiscal year ends in Septemeber. But the stupid people who deny the claims, their kids get aba in October. Tell me where is the justice in that?

I am a failure as a mother, my child needs something I can’t give her. No mater what I try I can’t give it to her. And even if I were to sell my house it would only pay for a year of 2 of therapy, and then what? What else can I do or try? What haven’t I done? 

Having a child with a neurological conditon has to be one of the worst sentances a parent can face. It is life long, and your insurance company won’t pay for it. How many other conditions do insurance compnaies just flat out deny without reason other than we don’t feel like it. 

How can they just sit in their fancy desks and say, your child isn’t worth it? We don’t feel like she is worthwhile? perhaps that is what is the worst part of all of it. 

I  just went to my room and cried. I feel defeated, and for once, I don’t know what to do, or where to turn or what my next step is. My positive outlook is having a hard time finding its way to the surface today. 

I am trying not to cry, but it is harder than I think it should be today. 












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August 6, 2012

*HUG* You are definitely not a failure, and you are a mother who is fighting for her kids! Don’t give up, and we’ll keep praying for a way to make it thru….

August 6, 2012

Oh no! I’m so sorry hon!

August 6, 2012
August 6, 2012

I’m sorry that they denied her what she needs. Is it something you can research and do at home with her (I don’t know much about it, so I don’t know). I wish there was something that I could do.

August 6, 2012


August 6, 2012

Im so sorry 🙁


August 6, 2012

I’m so sorry Tami.

August 6, 2012

I am so sorry!

August 7, 2012

When I stopped taking the pill (4 months ago), they took me off because I have high risk of cancer, blood clotts, fits, and a list of other things. And I’ve felt I’ll pretty much ever since, with various bugs and what not. And I’ve missed 3 consecutive periods, have had constant sickness, dizziness, stumch cramps etc. I don’t quite know what. But I’m just sure it’s going to be something. X

August 9, 2012

Ugh, I am sorry it ended up this way 🙁 You are an awesome mom – you are doing everything in your power to do right by your children. No one could ask for more. Your children are lucky to have you! Don’t ever give up; you’ll find the way!