PT evals and sickies
Sabastian had another pt eval today to try and get him services in home.
He qualified which was awesome.
The discouraging part was she confirmed that him being breech and tangled in my stomach has left him with phsycial difficulites He has problems with his neck and one side of his body. She is hoping that it will be corrected early, but it may not be.
Ughhh… I hate that, and I hate there was nothing to prevent it either. It’s like a birth injury in a way, but not. it is not exactly.
That combined with his poor little mouth he will have things to overcome, but I know he will, he is a jolly little guy with a great temperment and the ability to learn, so all will be grand.
I took him to the doctor today because he hasnt been feeling well. I thought maybe an ear infection, but he also got this weird rash on his belly, and face and hands and feet, it is spreading.
It wasn’t an ear infection, but hand foot and mouth diease.
She said it will make him miserable for a few days and then never get it again. So that’s nice.
Travis came home today and asked why I celaned the house. How sweet of him was that?
I finally finsihed the 50 shades books. The ending made me angry. I am glad the books are over they were just mehh…. I don’t think I will read anything other than a textbook again for a long while.
Tomorrow everyone has off, but we have no plans this year due to the lack of fireworks, and it is too too hot, and well you know. I am sitr crazy. I feel like crap, but I feel stir crazy. I took 2 naps today even.
A little boy at the daycare I work at was diagnosed with hand foot and mouth disease. It’s highly contagious and apparently it is really bad this year. I hope he gets better soon, and I hope the weather cools down!
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Can you take him to a chiro? I have heard they can do amazing things for a baby
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Poor guy! Mine all came down with it just before our flight from Korea. Gabe’s hindered his nursing for a bit. 🙁
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One of my friends daughters had a crooked neck from birth and they took her to a chiropractor and it corrected the problem within a year. It freaks me out to think of a baby being cracked like that, but it worked. It also corrected ear infections in my other friends son. So many people I know swear by it.
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