On gross motor, ac malfunctions & vanilla cake
I read so much about other people’s kids, on here and facebook. I read several moms who have kids of similar ages, and dear it makes me realize just how far behind my kiddos are. Even compared to Samara Sabastian’s gross motor is severly impaired. Ughh and the OT still hasn’t even called me. I am ready to fire her before she starts.
I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but you know darn well it does.
I wouldn’t trade my little people for anything, even if Samara tells me daily that she is just done with me and screams if we have to leave the house, and then Sabastian nurses so hard my nipples are still raw and claws my eyes leaving me with 2 scrathces on my cornea.
I am so happy they are my children, they aren’t what I expected always but I always love them.
I started 9 more credit hours this week. I am trying to find balance in this. It is more than I have attempted since Baby man made his arrival.
We came home this afternoon to find our ac died. $508 dollars later it is fixed and I am happy with that, but not with the price. At least it is done. It was 78 degrees today and it only supposed to get warmer in the next week. Dear my. What happened to spring? Or winter for that mater.
And with that I have a cake to decorate. Someone insisted on a vanilla cake with vanilla frosting, and purple letters, green numbers, and a sea lion, unicorn, dolphin and triceratps on top. I love her specifics you know.