Twas the night in the sick house & O’tree Pics


Tis the night before Christmas, and all through my house everybody is sick, sicky sick, sick.

Sabastian is poopy and fussy to bits,

Samara is still grouchy post-operative,

Bonnnie has the a stomach bug, 

And is stuck in isolation,

Mommy has herpangina,

which has nothing to do

with herpes or vaginas,

No medication can I get, 

such an insurance fail

Daddy is worn from a 12 hour day…

But there is a house to be cleaned 

At least we have family who just doesn’t care,

if my house is clean or 

if it looks as if aliens have landed.

So here’s to the night,

lets all pray for some sleep.

For tomorrow is Christmas 




And with that, I have pictures of my tree, nothing more is happening than doctors appointments…. 











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Hope you all are better soon! I really miss putting up a Christmas tree. 🙁

December 19, 2011

Ugh. Sounds awful. I hope the whole household gets better soon!

December 19, 2011

Ugh… On the third day of Christmas, someone gave to thee… three puking kids who can’t hit the toilet to save their lives. I’m so sick of puke (and cleaning it up) and not having anyone’s help with it…

December 19, 2011

I hope you’re all better for christmas! xx

December 20, 2011

My fridge has a child-lock because Gabe likes to open it and help himself to things like bottles of mustard and random things, basically unloading my fridge on the floor…

December 20, 2011

Hope everyone feels better! Your tree is gorgeous! 🙂 <3

December 20, 2011

hope ya’ll feel better!! 🙂 ryn: they said since i have an x amount overage on BMI that i have to take two it sucks.They do it weird here too.jelly beans as in the candy? never heard of that.. its a little weird here.

December 22, 2011

Wow, I hope everyone in your house is better soon! You have beautiful ornaments!