
So um….yeah. I’m still alive and all that.

Jake and I did eventually have a talk. And things were ok for awhile. Last night just kind of blew that out of the water, though. I don’t really care to get into it, because it’s stupid in the grand scheme of things, but I still feel like I’m right back at square one again.

In other news, baby girl is crawling! AND she finally has at least one tooth emerging! AND she’s finally interested in solids. She’s doing so many new things at once that it makes me a little sad. My baby girl is growing up way too fast. I’m already buying her two piece pajama sets versus the sleepers for crying out loud! Noah didn’t start getting pajama sets until somewhere after his first birthday!

Noah is….Noah. I love my boy like crazy, but he really knows how to push my buttons! Here lately he’s decided that he doesn’t need to nap…only, he does. He gets crabby and cranky in the late afternoons and then he’ll crash hard after awhile and would probably just sleep all dang evening/night if I let him. I’m SO tempted to put the side rail back on his bed, but I’m scared that he’d try to climb out and really hurt himself.

I started working on our taxes this morning (and I would have had them done long before now, if a certain lazy individual had thought to check his inbox at work before I had to start nagging about it) and….holy crap. If I’m doing them correctly, we’re getting back WAY more money than I was expecting. Definitely not complaining about that.

Jake has a take home cruiser now. Which means less wear and tear on my Focus (because yes, I still think of it as MY car), which is never a bad thing. The Focus will be going in soon for some much needed maintenance.

And that’s about that.

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February 27, 2009

It’s always nice to get a larger return than you’re expecting. 🙂

March 17, 2009