
Noah’s come down with some sort of bug. He just puked all over the living room, poor little guy. And he’s been more cuddly than usual this morning – I ran out to get some breakfast after Jake got home, and I came home to find Noah half asleep on Jake’s chest. He snoozed on the couch for a bit, then he cuddled with me in the rocking chair for a bit. Didn’t eat much of his breakfast; would only eat what I fed to him. Cuddled with me some more. 

My poor baby. He hasn’t really ever been sick…a few bouts with the sniffles, but that’s the worst we’ve dealt with so far. It’s probably because of how rapidly the weather changed – we went from 90 degrees to….let’s see, my little weather gadget says it’s currently 64 degrees outside. And his bedroom tends to be colder than the rest of the house, AND he likes to kick his covers off. 

Guess now would be a good time to see if the warm footed sleepers my mom got him last Christmas will finally fit (they SAY they’re 18 months, but they look way longer than that…). Gotta keep my baby boy warm somehow.


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September 27, 2008

I just had to buy my son some footies and they were 3T. I thought there was no way they look like a 5 year old should be wearing them. However, they fit. I don’t know why they looks so big.

September 27, 2008

Aww poor little guy. I hope he will feel better soon!

September 28, 2008

Poor Noah! That is crazy how fast the weather changed. It’s been crappy and cold here for about a week or so. Addison had a runny nose for a few days when it started changing.

September 30, 2008

awww, Poor Noah….had to laugh at the non covered feet, that is one thing that the 3 of Us have in common….Like Ma like Son!! Take care Stace…..