sniff sniff

So, I’m one of the lucky couple of thousand whose password was "compromised". *snort*

My boy is with Grandma for the weekend. What am I going to do with myself? Sleep, for one. Go deal hunting with Maddy – lots of free and cheap stuff to be had for me this weekend. Might even get some sewing done. 

And when I go to meet Mom to pick up Noah on Monday, the cats are going back with my mom. I think she’s going to take them to the shelter up there; we can’t take them to a shelter out here because they’re all full. I can’t deal with it anymore. Can’t remember if I mentioned it here or not, but Riley freaking peed on the couch. I mean all over one of the cushions…it was baaaaad. And let’s not forget the fact that he likes to pee on any other piece of fabric left laying around. He doesn’t have any sort of infection – Jake had him checked out when he took them to the vet last. Oh, and let’s not forget the puking everywhere. I think that one may be a sensitivity to their food, but there are only so many food options out there that I can afford. 

But the big thing is that I don’t get any help with the cats – i.e. keeping the litter box clean, giving them baths, trying to get rid of the fleas, keeping them fed and watered – unless I force Jake into it. I have enough to keep up with around here. It’s too friggin’ much for me, especially when he was the one that wanted a cat to begin with. 

And did I ever mention the time that Riley bit Noah? That one was the last straw for me, but Jake insisted that we keep them, promised he’d help more with them. That hasn’t happened. I feel kind of bad, since we’ve had them for so long, but it’s time for them to go to a new home, preferably without small children, where they can get the care and attention they deserve. They’re not bad cats, they just do bad things that I can’t deal with anymore. 

Oh, and I’m typing this on my old ghetto laptop. That power adapter I just ordered for the new laptop a month ago? Dead already. Stupid freakin’ crappy Dell craftsmanship. Never buy a Dell laptop. I ordered a new adapter – a universal one this time  – but I’m still waiting on it. FedEx tracking originally said it’d be here today (well, ok, technically yesterday since it’s 2AM) but when I checked again today, it said Tuesday. FedEx blows. 

You know what else blows? I got my period back this week. I was hoping to at least make it to six months like I did with Noah, but no such luck. Joy. Like I don’t have enough problems with my milk supply. 

I can’t believe my baby will be TWO in two and a half weeks. How did THAT happen?


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August 29, 2008

Seems to have happened to alot of people.! Getting their diaries hacked I mean.! Sorry it happened to you too.! And I’ll bet your kids are adorable.! 🙂 And sorry that Jake doesn’t help out around the house more.! Hugs.!

omg i felt the EXACT same way about my old Dell laptop! grrrr dell laptops.

Some animals just kid friendly. I’m sorry you’ll have to get rid of your cats.

August 30, 2008

We had to get rid of Tweek because of similar issues. It’s hard but it’s for the best. These past 2 years have gone by SO fast. Makes me sad that our babies are getting so big!

September 2, 2008

WOW, it’s already back! I hope mine stays away as long (or longer) as it did last time!! It’s sad about the kitties but, if they end up in a better home it is for the best! I hated having to give all of mine up, but I can realize now it was better for them, so good for you for doing it before it gets really bad. It sure is a hard thing to do, but it sounds like it’s for the better!

September 3, 2008

ughhh, can’t stand cats.