
I am freaking exhausted.

Maddy wouldn’t go to sleep until 6:30 this morning. Yes, you read that right. Jake was gracious enough to stay up with Noah (I don’t remember if I mentioned it here or not, but he decided he didn’t want to stay up with the kids on a regular basis anymore, so I’ve been having to get up at around 6:45 every morning because Noah likes to wake up when he hears Daddy come home….though some mornings I’m lucky enough to get him to go back to sleep for another hour.), so I did get a couple of hours of sleep….but come on, two hours? Not NEARLY enough.

Thankfully, it’s just about naptime…and both kids nap at the same time, so Mommy gets to take a nap, too.

And then Maddy has a pediatrician’s appointment at four. I originally couldn’t get her in until Thursday (and I scheduled that one a month ago), but turns out that Jake has a DMV hearing so I had to call and reschedule. They just happened to have a cancellation today.

I’m really hoping that Jake will humor me and get up to watch Noah. I really don’t feel like dragging him to the ped’s if I don’t have to….the boy does NOT sit still. If I wake Jake up at 3:30, he’ll have had roughly 6 1/2 hours of sleep, which is better than the 3 1/2 I’m going to end up with. And hey, if Maddy cooperates, we could both take naps after Noah goes to bed….




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August 11, 2008

3.5 hrs? Yikes. I could never function on that little amount. I hope the kids sleep better for you tonight.

August 11, 2008

man, I would be a royal biotch…..Hope you get more sleep!!