Yeah, I’m alive.

Still not really feeling the OD love., I love you guys, of course, but as far as writing goes, I’m liking Blogger’s format a little more these days.

I STILL haven’t had a chance to do Maddy’s announcements. I feel like such a slacker, but yeesh. I can’t get on the desktop during the day because Jake’s got some program set up that runs the battlegrounds for him on WoW (ssshhhh….technically he’s not supposed to be doing that), and then once he gets up he plays for himself….and by the time he leaves for work, I’m not in the mood to mess with it.

I also need to start getting things put together for Noah’s birthday. We’re doing a Cars theme this year because that’s his love now….and not just Disney’s Cars…..any type of car! But he especially loves to carry around his Lightning McQueen and The King cars. We’re going to redo his room in a cars sort of theme, too. It will likely heavily feature actual Cars stuff, but I’ll also finally be able to put up the police car shelf my mom got him, and my uncle is sending him some 18 wheeler cards (my uncle is a truck driver, so it only makes sense LOL) that I’m going to frame and hang up.

Ummm….not much else going on here. Same ol’, same ol’.



lilypie 1st birthday ticker

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August 6, 2008

I feel for ya in the car department, J has over 800 cars, motorcycles, trucks, you name it he has it!! it is cute though….

August 6, 2008

Maybe instead of ‘announcements’ you could do a 6 month thing…? It’s only another 3 months away so you wouldn’t have to rush! :o)

August 7, 2008

A cars party sounds cool! 🙂