One month!

So, Maddy had her one month checkup yesterday.

Little Miss Piggy weighs a whopping 9lbs5oz! She’s right on track to follow in Noah’s footsteps there….he also gained 3 pounds in his first month. Lengthwise, she grew an inch. The doctor was very impressed with how good her head control is – but she’s following in Noah’s footsteps there, too. Both of them have been very eager to hold their heads up since day one. The doctor was also pleased to see that she’s smiling in response to things versus just those gassy newborn smiles, and how well she tracks things with her eyes and all that.

No shots this month, but they want us to do the rotavirus vax next month. I don’t think I’m going to, though. It’s too new for me to really feel comfortable with it, especially with the reports I’ve seen. Noah never had that vax and he’s just fine, and it’s not a required vax for school purposes. Rotavirus generally isn’t all that bad, anyhow, so it’s not something I’m really worried about either kid catching….if they do, well, we’ll deal with it.

Noah was MUCH better today. I hate to admit it, but we ended up giving him Benadryl last night. I never wanted to be one of those parents that drugged their kid to sleep, but he NEEDED sleep desperately and I didn’t know what else to do for him. The difference a good night’s sleep made was astounding. He still had a few fussy moments, but that’s typical. The important part is that he got a good night’s sleep, he got in good naps today, and he actually ate today, too.

Anyway, Miss Maddy is calling for me, so off I go.



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June 6, 2008

I’m glad both kiddo’s are doing well. 🙂 Seems crazy that you’re a Mom of two now. Seems like we were just pregnant together and now you have two little ones and I still have just one. 😛

June 6, 2008

I’m so glad he finally got some good sleep! I can’t believe how quickly the kiddos are growing

June 7, 2008
June 8, 2008

R: I’m sorry if I should know this already, but are you from the cities originally?

June 9, 2008