Shoot me now. *

Oy. It is not a picnic around here.

Noah isn’t eating much because he’s teething BAD. He won’t even eat mushy stuff like applesauce. Poor baby.

I was exhausted yesterday for some reason. Couldn’t take a nap though because first we were waiting on the electrician to show up to check some stuff, and then Jake ended up staying up for awhile because the DA’s office called and he had to find some old paperwork, and then we went up to talk to the property manager for awhile. He elected to take a nap himself. he kept telling me to go to sleep after we ate, but Maddy needed my attention and then Jake had to get ready for work.

Maddy would not go to sleep until midnight. Noah woke up at 10:30, screaming in pain, so I was dealing with him until 11:30. Then he kept waking up every hour or so and I could hear him on the monitor.

Then Maddy woke up again at five and thought it was playtime or something. She didn’t go back to sleep until just before Jake got home at seven. Noah woke up at 6:15 and I had him in the bedroom with me until Jake got home. Bless that man, he took care of both kids so that I could catch a couple of hours of sleep.

But the three hours that I’ve been up so far have been crazy. Noah keeps fussing on and off….he only took a half hour nap earlier, so I put him back down. Maddy can’t make up her mind as to what she wants, though she’s just hanging out right now, thankfully.

I had to call the place that did Maddy’s hospital pictures because they screwed up the original order and I hadn’t received the corrected photos yet….when they should have been mailed out on May 12. Sat on hold for an insane amount of time, but supposedly I should have the new ones within five business days. We’ll see…..I’d better. I’d kind of like to send out her announcements, ya know?

Then I had a heck of a time trying to get ahold of my OB’s office. Their phone system was all kinds of messed up and kept hanging up on me before I could ever talk to someone….if I even got to the menu at all. Why was I calling them, you ask? Why, because I think my incision is infected. It started bleeding a bit the other night and now I’ve got some funky goo coming out. Only, I’m not sure that it’s from the incision itself…I tried looking at it last night and it’s hard to tell, but it looks like I have a small hole just above my incision. Nice, huh? But of course, when I finally get through to someone, they don’t have any appointments today….but a nurse is supposed to call me back. Yeah, I’ll just sit here with a hole in my stomach in the meantime, thanks.

Yeesh. It’s only 12:30 and I’m already ready for today to be done.



Oh lordy. Noah continued to be a terror for the rest of the day. We put him to bed early because he wasn’t taking very good naps, which probably contributed to his crankiness.

I did end up being able to go into the OB’s office. Thankfully, I do NOT have an infection….but I wasn’t seeing things, I DO have a small hole just above the incision. But it’s very shallow, and it’s not infected, so the doctor told me to just keep doing what I’ve been doing, which is cleaning the whole area with peroxide, and to keep that spot covered with some gauze.


Maddy’s got her one month checkup tomorrow. I’m curious to see how much she weighs now, because even though she’s starting to fit into her 0-3 month stuff, she doesn’t seem as chubby as Noah was at a month old. Not necessarily a bad thing, just different!

I just hope the insurance for her actually kicks in. Jake kept procrastinating on getting the form turned in, and I ended up calling him before I actually walked into the doctor’s office this afternoon because I saw that the form was STILL sitting in the car. Uh, yeah, it’s got to be done by tomorrow. So I told him in no uncertain terms that he needed to get off of his ass and get a fax number for human resources so they would at least have it by tomorrow….hopefully that’s good enough or we’re gonna be screwed. And if that happens, he’s gonna be working a loooot of extra duty over the next few months, because I’m not going to skip her checkups just because he was lazy.


lilypie 1st birthday ticker


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June 4, 2008
June 4, 2008

Ack, woman. :/ When I run away, I’ll be sure to live by you so I can lend a hand and help you keep some sanity!

June 4, 2008

I bet you can’t wait for school huh??

June 4, 2008

As badly as I want this baby out so I can be somewhat pain free, you’re making me want her to stay in lol I keep telling myself that I know it’s gonna be hard with her out, & with Nattie, but I just can’t stand her in there anymore!!!!

June 4, 2008
June 5, 2008

awwww, I still can’t believe that you have 2 babies now. Damn how time changes things huh??