I can’t believe…

That my baby girl is already almost a month old!  Where in the heck has the time gone?

She’s doing a little better with the gas issue, which makes all of us happy. And get this – she’s already practically sleeping through the night! She nurses tons during the day, and generally only wakes up once at night. I definitely enjoy the sleep, but it’s hard during the day because I feel like Noah’s not getting all of the attention he deserves. I try to get him to sit on the couch next to me while I’m nursing Maddy so I can at least cuddle him a little, but he’s always got to be on the move and tries to climb over us….I’ve had to shield her head from his foot many times! But when he’s actually paying attention to what he’s doing, he’s really quite gentle with her. Today he even tried to help me by moving a burp cloth closer to me. 


Well, Daddy was SUPPOSED to come out here this weekend, but he didn’t even bother to call us at all this week and surprise, surprise, they didn’t show up. It really ticks me off. At least have the courtesy to let us know for sure that you’re not coming, ya know? And what further ticks me off….they all made the trek out to Fayetteville when Dale was born. But they didn’t see Noah until he was three months old, and probably wouldn’t have seen him until his birthday had we not made the trip out there for New Year’s. And now who knows when they’ll actually see Maddy, since Jake doesn’t have any long blocks of days off coming up anytime soon, so we won’t be able to go out there this time. Yeah, I know Fayetteville is closer than Charlotte is, but that really shouldn’t be an excuse. And it’s not fair to expect us to travel all of the time when we have two little ones and all of their various gear to lug around. 

Anyway, not much else is going on around here. It’s late and I really ought to get to bed.  



lilypie 1st birthday ticker

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May 31, 2008

Aww – Noah sounds like a sweet big brother. I request some new pics! 😉

June 1, 2008
June 1, 2008

Yea, they should always make the effort to come see you. It’s hard enough with a newborn & toddler period, let alone having to leave the house with them, especially to travel! How sad when you are in the same state even. Their loss!

June 1, 2008

I agree, they should come see you. I’m glad to hear things are good and Noah is starting to help a little. =D

June 1, 2008

I wish Kateland would have slept like that when she was 1 month!! No such luck here, lol. No matter how far you all are they should make the effort to come out there!!

June 2, 2008

We need some PICTURES here. go look at my entry again, I added a PS and you may be the only one able to respond to that.