
I stole this from Cass. She posted it about a month ago, and I wanted to do it, but decided I’d wait till after Maddy was born.

How long have you been a Mom?

Two days shy of twenty months!

How many children call you Mommy?

Well….neither of them actually call me mommy yet, but I’ve got two munchkins.

Girl? Boy? or both?


Did you know what you were having?

Yes on both counts.

How old were you when you became a Mom?


How long were you in labor?

Well….with Noah, my water broke around 8am, but I didn’t start having contractions until around 1pm. So, if you start when my water broke, 21 hours, but if you only start with the contractions, 16 hours. No labor with Maddy since she ended up being a scheduled c-section.

What’s your favorite thing about being a Mom?

If I had to pick just one thing…..I’d have to say just cuddling with my kids. I love cuddling with Noah since he can cuddle back and he loves to give hugs and kisses….and I love just snuggling with Maddy and marvelling in that newborn smallness and the new baby smell.

What’s your least favorite thing?

The tantrums!

Do you want more kids?

Nope. We’re done.

Do you plan on having more soon?

Not a chance in hell!  

How many times have you been pee’d on?

More times than I can count.

Barfed on?

None, actually. Spit up, yes, but no puke.

Is your child named after anyone?

First names, no, not really. But Maddy’s name does incorporate part of Jake’s mom’s name. But each of our children’s middle names are shared with one of us, so I guess you could say those are after someone.

How did you come up with their names?

Just names that we liked. Jake was really into Noah since it’s a Hebrew name and he was big into researching Judaism at the time…and his own name is Hebrew in origin. We had a really hard time settling on a name for Madilynn, but it’s a name I’ve always liked and I liked that I was able to incorporate at least part of Jake’s mom’s name as a bit of a tribute to her.

When your child gets in trouble, who is the bad guy?


What is the longest you have been away from your children?

Not even a full 24 hours, since mom and Jake brought him to visit me in the hospital. My mom is really pushing for weekend visits now, but I’m not ready to have him so far away for such a long time just yet.

Bedtime routine?

Pretty simple. Dinner is always just before bedtime. We don’t do baths every night, but those come after dinner. Then a little family play/cuddle time, clean diaper and pajamas, kisses, and into bed he goes. Maddy obviously doesn’t have a bedtime and thus, a routine, just yet.

Are your toes painted?


Last movie you saw in the theater?

I think Talladega Nights.

One thing you will not give up just because you’re a mom?

I can’t really think of anything I do that anyone would think I should give up just because I’m a mom, or anything that’s too time consuming to do just because I’m a mom.

One thing you did give up now that you’re a mom?

Can’t really think of anything.

Best Mom perk?

Just being a mom, period!

Snack you sneak bites from your child?

Nothing, really. If I’m hungry when snacktime rolls around, I’ll just grab my own. He’s more likely to steal bites from me!

When the kid(s) is/are napping, you are?

Depends. If both kids are sleeping, I’m probably napping as well. But if Maddy’s awake while Noah’s napping, I’m probably nursing her.

Where is your child(ren) now?

Maddy’s sleeping in her bassinet next to her daddy and Noah’s playing with the bouncy chair here in the living room with me.

Favorite place to buy maternity clothes?

I never bought much in the way of actual maternity clothing during either pregnancy…but the few things I did buy were from Target and Old Navy.

If I could do it over, I’d do this differently…

Really, the only thing I can think of is to have not agreed to all of the interventions I had while I was in labor with Noah. Who knows, I may still have ended up with a c-section anyway since he was sunny side up and all, but a lot of what they did just wasn’t necessary and I wish I would have known enough to say no to it.


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May 14, 2008

I think you learn from every birth… I know I have.. and each time, I’ve done something different, which has changed the whole experience (but.. not the pain, lol).

May 14, 2008

Maddy’s package is in the mail! 🙂

May 15, 2008
May 21, 2008