Decision I don’t want to make.



I’ve now had two doctors and a midwife suggest that a c-section might be better for me, rather than attempting a VBAC.


I’m not sure if they’re taking into consideration the pelvic misalignment and the stupid friggin’ Pitocin and the fact that Noah was sunny side up. They may only be thinking about the fact that he was so small and I still couldn’t have him normally. They’re guessing that baby girl is already at least as big as Noah was when he was born, and while I know that guesses can be off, it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if they were right this time. I’ve been thinking myself that she’s bigger already.

Either way, I’m starting to doubt myself and wonder if maybe I shouldn’t just have another section after all. One big thing that’s swaying me that way is the fact that even though I’m getting adjusted twice a week still, I STILL have a lot of pain in the pelvic area. I’m afraid of still being misaligned enough to end up warranting another section after all. I don’t want another unplanned section. If I’m going to have one, I’d rather have it be planned because recovery would be easier on me.

Maybe what I’ll do is go ahead and schedule a date with the understanding that if I go into labor before that, I’ll continue to labor and see how things go instead of immediately going back for another section.




lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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April 9, 2008

Hi – I caught you off the front page… I have a Noah too! Mine is 6 … I am expecting too but I’m only 16 weeks right now, and waiting for amnio results. I have had c-sections too… my first birth was natural, my second emergancy c-section (that would have been my Noah), and a planned c-section after that… now I get to have a planned c-section agian. Since my emergancy c-section was done classically – I have no choice about the repeat c-sections, there is no option for a VBAC … Honestly I think your plan sounds reasonable… I know if the risks weren’t so high, I would probably insist on one… or at least trying.

April 9, 2008

I know nothing about them, so I guess just go with your gut, no pun intended…LOL whatever you decide I hope you and baby girl are ok!!

April 9, 2008

Just do whatever is going to be easiest on you and your baby girl.

April 9, 2008

I wish I could give you advice, but I have no idea. I hope that whatever your decision will be, you and the baby will be fine. *hugs*

April 9, 2008

I had a lot of pelvic pain.. especially siatica.. and was able to birth normally. I know a lot of women who have back and pelvic pain as well.. all through the pregnancy and birth. So.. don’t let that sway you!

April 9, 2008

I’m sorry you’re faced with that decision. 🙁