Tiring Weekend

Oy vey.

Mom got here around 9:30 Thursday night. And promptly had my house trashed with all of her stuff. *rolls eyes*

It took forever to get her going on Friday morning. She didn’t even get up until 10, and that’s only because I woke her up. Noah was taking a nap and I figured we’d get going a lot sooner if I got her up while he was sleeping so she could take a shower and all that. HA! We didn’t leave until noon.

We went to the mall first. But instead of going straight down to see the Easter Bunny, she just HAD to go in the Disney Store. Yeesh, we were in there f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

Finally get down to stand in line for the Bunny. And that took f.o.r.e.v.e.r., too. She actually had to take Noah over to the little play area and walking around because he was getting tired of sitting there. And of course, by the time it was our turn, he was tired and crabby and wanted nothing to do with sitting on the bunny’s lap. So I ended up having to sit there with him.

Then we went over to K Mart because Mom needed to exchange a necklace she had bought for Pete. Poor Noah ended up falling asleep in his stroller. So, since he was asleep, we walked next door to Best Buy to get my new laptop. Only, we couldn’t seem to get anyone to actually help us. So we said screw it and drove down to the other Best Buy that’s somewhat close by. And of course, they were all out of the laptop I wanted. So, we came home.

Hopped online and discovered that the first Best Buy we were at DID have the laptop in stock. So, we made the decision to leave Noah with Jake and go back out there, in the hopes that some different people would be working. Thankfully, we were able to get some help and were in and out of there relatively quickly.

Saturday…..oh man, my head was about to explode. Mom started cleaning the carpet in the baby’s room. I kid you not, she spent close to an hour just on one small section of the room that was NOT that bad, not even close to where the cats made most of their messes. And then spent another two hours on the rest of the room. I was getting PISSED. Why? Because she decided it’d be a good idea to start when she did in the first place, after I had just told her that Noah would be ready for a nap soon. So my poor baby had to stay awake that whole time, because there was no way he was going to sleep with all of that racket going on right next to his room. I was so proud of him though – he handled it really well. But he was SO ready for a nap by the time Mom finally finished.

After his nap, Mom took him outside to play so I could vacuum the living room. After I finished that, I was going to call the nearby Target stores to make sure one of them had our crib in stock before we went driving around, but Mandy called me. So I chatted with her for awhile. Then it took me another half hour to find a Target that had the crib….which brought us to five in the afternoon already! So I got Jake up and we took off, since we had to go clear over to nearly the SC border to get to the store that had the crib.

But of course, they didn’t have the mattress we wanted. So after we got home and had dinner, we went back out and went to the Target closest to us, and thankfully they had it. I would have been ticked if they hadn’t, because otherwise, we would have had to find a way to cram a mattress in our car!

After Jake and I got home again, I sat down and put together the desk for my sewing machine. After Jake went to work, Mom started cleaning the living room carpet and I started picking up all of the messes she’d created all over my house. She spent three hours on the living room, so it was friggin’ one in the morning before I was even able to clean my kitchen – she had to hook up the hose for her cleaner to my kitchen sink. So, I didn’t get to bed until after three this morning because I desperately needed to soak in a hot bath after I finished the kitchen.

And then this morning…..argh. Mom even said herself that she should hurry up and get out of here because she knew I’d want to take a nap when Noah went down for his. Yeah…..naptime didn’t happen until an hour and a half after it should have. A large part of that was because Mom decided at the last minute that she wanted to go through the boxes of books I have packed up and take some home with her. Eh, she did end up taking three boxes worth with her, so that’s just that much less clutter I have I suppose.

*sigh* I love my mom dearly, but everything gets thrown off schedule when she comes down and it’s so aggravating, especially since I’ll now have to spend the next few days getting everything back to normal. Routine is usually pretty important to Noah, so I’m surprised he handled all of the changes this weekend so well.

Oh, and get this. She actually asked me if she could take Noah down to Myrtle Beach for a day after the baby is born. No. Friggin. Way. Apparantly, Bike Week is going on down there around the time I’m due, and one of the women she works with wanted Mom to go with her for that, but of course Mom will be here. But she apparantly wants to go at least a little if she asked if she could take Noah. Nope, no way, no how, not gonna happen. His first beach trip is NOT going to occur without me and Jake there. Not to mention, there are certain things that I don’t trust my mom to respect if I’m not there, and Noah’s not old enough to be able to tell me himself what happens. One small thing that I KNOW she’d do in a heartbeat without me around is give Noah soda. Yeah, not a huge deal, it’s not going to kill him, but that’s beside the point. He’s not even two years old…he doesn’t need soda! I don’t even give him straight juice, it’s always VERY watered down, so why in the world would I give him soda? In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that she gave him some on Friday. He finished his sippy cup while we were waiting in line for the Easter Bunny, and Mom was like "Well, I guess you’ll have to bite the bullet and give him some of your soda". Um, no. I can walk right over to the restroom area and fill his cup up with water. "But he needs flavor!" Um, no, he doesn’t. Plain water is juuuuuuust fine. So I headed off to fill up his cup because I really needed to walk around by that point….wouldn’t surprise me a bit to learn that she sneaked him a sip of soda while I was gone. *sigh* If she did, nothing I can do about it now. But if I can’t even trust her to not give my kid soda when I say no, how in the world could I trust that she wouldn’t break some of my other, more important rules?


Anyway, I’m just kind of rambling now. Not much else to say, other than that I love my new laptop so far.

Hope everyone has a good Easter!



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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March 23, 2008

I’m glad you got your new laptop! That’s fun! Sorry your weekend wasn’t too pleasant with your mom around. Mom’s can definitely do that annoying thing well. But we still love ’em. Take care and hope you have a great Easter!

March 23, 2008

I can totally relate on the soda issue. I got asked today by Adam’s Aunt why I never give Addison any pop. I told her plain and simple that I just didn’t think she needed it. She’s gotten a few sips of it but I’ve never give her a full cup to drink. Uh Uh. I’m very strict on that.

March 24, 2008

Uggggh, Best Buy. The last time I went to our local store there was a ton of people standing around waiting for help and NO ONE around to help them. I even had the CS people call for someone to come and help and they didn’t show up! I hate that. I can relate to the schedule thing being off when Grandma visits. It happens for us too, but thankfully my kids just roll with the punches and adjust.