Productive, I am.

Well, somewhat, anyway.

It’s a little after 2 a.m. and I’m waiting for the duvet cover to dry. Yeah, I’m wacky for doing laundry way late at night, but heck, I’d probably be awake still anyway, so why not? I’ve got fresh clean sheets, too.

I just sat on the desktop computer going through My Documents. I went through the gradients I had for Paint Shop and deleted a bunch that I’ll never use. I made a document with my login information for a bunch of sites so I could delete the emails I had saved with all of that information. I did some other random organizing of other documents I have in there. I deleted the files for my website – I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this or not, but I decided to shut the site down. I simply don’t have the time to update as often as I’d like, and I REALLY won’t have the time once the baby is born. No sense in shelling out $100 a year for it if I’m not using it.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to not only continue organizing stuff on the computer (I REALLY need to finally get our pictures sorted so I can burn them onto discs), but I’m also going to be doing some serious spring cleaning throughout the house. That one’s going to be a slow process, because being 30 weeks pregnant and all, I have to be careful not to overdo it. I overdid it the other night trying to mop the kitchen and dining room and I was hurting pretty bad the next day. So, I’m just going to do one room at a time, and take my time doing it so it all gets done right. I want all of our stuff to finally be organized. I want to finally finish hanging up pictures and such. I want to get rid of junk we don’t need – I got rid of a lot of stuff before we moved, but there’s still plenty more that can go, I’m sure. I know I’ll feel more at peace once it’s all done, because as long as I can get Jake to start doing things like putting things back where he found them and all, actually keeping the house clean will be much easier for me. And that’s a must with a new baby on the way! Now, if only I could get Noah to put away his own toys……LOL.

This week is going to be busy for us. Jake’s taking the car in today to get our inspection done and we need an oil change as well. The car could really use a tune up, too, but that one can wait a little longer.

Tomorrow, I’ve got an OB appointment. I was supposed to go to the chiropractor on Friday, but Jake just found out that he has Superior Court on Friday, so I’ll have to reschedule. I’m going to try and reschedule for tomorrow afternoon, since I’ll already be out and about for the OB appointment. I’ve got to fit grocery shopping in there somewhere as well.

I think we’ll try to do Noah’s haircut on Wednesday. That’s really the only day I see it getting accomplished, because Jake also has regular court on Thursday.

And then Sunday is my birthday! I can’t believe I’ll be 25 already. I know it’s not that old, but when I think of how crazy my life has been over the past five years, it makes me feel ancient!

Anyway, not much going on around here other than all of that.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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March 3, 2008

I hate doing laundry!!

March 3, 2008

Laundry sucks. I put it off as long as possible and when I do finally feel like doing it, I have tons to put away and hang up and it takes me forever.

March 3, 2008

We are pretty close, when is your due date?