Rest in peace, little angel

My heart is so heavy right now and I’m having a hard time keeping the tears at bay.


A sweet little baby became an angel today.

Paxton Griffith is the daughter of one of my fellow Charlotte Mommies. She had her first full blown seizure at the age of one month, and she has been fighting ever since. Unfortunately, she kept getting worse and worse. They would have to put her in comas just to stop the seizures….she was having dozens of seizures a day.

Sadly, the Griffith family and their doctors exhausted all of their treatment options. Even if they had had other options, poor Paxton’s brain was basically fried from the seizures…she would have been a vegetable for the rest of her life.

Jennifer and Lacey made the decision to wean Paxton off of her meds and allow nature to take its course, basically. Paxton hung in there for a couple of days, but she lost her battle early this afternoon.

I just can’t even imagine the agony Jennifer is going through right now.

Rest in peace, baby Paxton. You have touched thousands of lives in your short time here on Earth and you will never be forgotten.



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February 29, 2008

Wow, Stace. I am so sorry. That is terrible. *HUGS* I do have to say your title scared me. Made me think something happened to your little girl.

February 29, 2008

Oh how sad. 🙁 My thoughts will be with that family. I have to admit I had to read the first sentence of your post a couple of times. I thought I had read that YOUR little girl became an angel. It scared me but I am so glad that wasn’t the case and that I was only misreading. But still very sad that a family is going through such a horrible ordeal right now.

that is so sad i am so sorry…

February 29, 2008

Oh goodness. I cannot even imagine. The other day, I was in bed thinking about what I would do if I lost a child…. and I just couldn’t even… you know? A mean, it’s painful enough to lose a child in miscarriage. The thought of losing a child you’ve bonded with on the outside of your body? A child you’ve held, babied, nursed… Cant even IMAGINE.

February 29, 2008

That is so horrible. My thoughts are with them right now.

February 29, 2008

My gosh, I can’t imagine.

February 29, 2008

That is absolutely terrible, Stacy. I am so sorry for your friend.

February 29, 2008

One of my friends in Union County told me about this poor little girl just the other day. She was telling me about her baptism and crying as she told me. I cannot imagine what they must be going through right now. My thoughts and prayers definitely go out to the family.

That is so sad. Life is really unfair sometimes.

March 1, 2008

omg I am soo sorry I hope they have alot of support right now. I am so sorry to hear that. That is soo hard to lose a child expecially when they have gotten to close to the baby. Please let them know that they are in my prayers!