Slightly overwhelmed

I have so much I want to accomplish before the baby is born.

I’d really like to get her room painted. Well, more accurately, I’d like Jake to get her room painted. He doesn’t seem overly enthusiastic about it, but hey, it’s only fair. The living room is painted. Our bedroom is painted. Noah’s room is painted. It just wouldn’t be fair for baby girl to have the only boring room.

I need to go on a decluttering spree again. I just feel like we have so much junk, and it’d be nice to get it out of the house before I add more baby stuff to the mix.

My mom’s going to try and come down Easter weekend with her Rainbow vacuum cleaner so we can steam clean the carpets.

We need to figure out what we’re going to do with the cats. There simply isn’t a good place for us to put their food and litter box once we can’t keep them in the third bedroom anymore. Anywhere else in the house, they’d be accessible to Noah, and that’s the last thing I need, because he WILL eat the cat food. Which is why we had to hide the food bowls in the closet in that bedroom in the first place.

And…..just so many other small things that I’d like to get done. Eh, no sense in getting stressed about it. If it all gets done, great. If it doesn’t, well….it’ll get done eventually.

I actually went out Sunday night. The husband of one of the mommies (you know, from my local mommy forum) owns a pizza joint not far from our house, and he closed early on Sunday to host a group of us. I was nervous, because I’d only ever actually met one other mommy that was there, but it was a lot of fun.

Anyway, not a whole lot going on around here, but I figured I’d better write something.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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February 19, 2008

I just got a huge urge to come there. :/ Poo, I wish I had money to do so, I’d so come and help when you had the baby. Or right before so I could help you get things done. Crappy about the cat stuff… idk what to tell you. Especially since you don’t have a basement.

February 19, 2008

Cat stuff suggestion: baby gate off the laundry room or a closet or something. Cats can easily clear baby gates, babies no so much. At least not yet 😉

February 19, 2008

I am sure you’ll get it all done before the baby arrives. 🙂 Take it easy.

February 19, 2008

I will come paint for baby girl!! good luck with the cats

February 20, 2008

RYN: The doctor didn’t specify how long to give them to her. He called the prescription into the pharmacy. I never went into his office. He just said if it wasn’t better in two days to follow up. Her eyes look 100% better. I don’t know if I should continue to give them to her or not.