Too much

Ugh, the past couple of weeks have been so hectic for us. Just this week, Jake had to do drivers training all day on Monday, which messed up his schedule a bit, and because he didn’t tell me that he had it scheduled until last week, I had to reschedule the OB appointment I was supposed to have. I reschedule it for Tuesday, which further messed up Jake’s schedule, because I HAD to go first thing in the morning – had to do my blood sugar test. I didn’t get home until 10:30. And then I had to wake the poor man up so I could go to my chiropractor’s appointment that afternoon. He had court today, so I couldn’t schedule my next chiro appointment until tomorrow, and the office is only open in the mornings on Fridays, so I have no choice but to bring Noah with me…..THAT ought to be fun!

Our phone has been messed up since Monday, but should be fixed by tomorrow evening. We found out that we can’t use a regular router with our DSL; we have to have a special modem/router from AT&T. We weren’t expecting it until today, but UPS tried to deliver it yesterday. They must have come while we were all sleeping during Noah’s afternoon nap. The slip they left said they’d try again today between two and five. So, I kept Noah up until four (and amazingly, he was ok with that!) waiting for the UPS guy to show up. Of course, just my luck, he didn’t….though knowing my luck, had Noah and I went to sleep around our normal time, he would have shown up while we were sleeping. Anyway, Jake got home from court just before five and I went to lay down because I was freaking exhausted. What do ya know, the UPS guy didn’t show up until nearly six. Which is weird, because Jake saw a UPS truck leaving our neighborhood as he was coming home.

So we were trying to set up this new modem, and kept running into issues, so I finally had to call tech support. I think the issue we were running into mainly is that they reset our password and we had no idea, so it wasn’t recognizing the password we had set previously. Eh, whatever, I’m online now and tomorrow I’ll mess with setting up my laptop.

I think on Monday we’re going to go to the DMV first thing in the morning. Since Jake has Saturday and Sunday nights off right now, he can take a nap Sunday night and be fine. We need to get our licenses renewed – yes, we technically have until our respective birthdays to do so, but I figured we might as well just go together now and get it over and done with. We also STILL need to turn in the license plate from the truck. Apparantly, we weren’t supposed to cancel insurance on the truck until that was done…..yeah, that didn’t happen. I’ll let Jake deal with that one, lol. Hopefully it won’t be an issue.

We STILL don’t have a name for the baby and I’m starting to get really frustrated. Jake keeps insisting on Elizabeth, and while it is a nice name, it’s not what I want to name my daughter. I really like Madilynn, especially because the Lynn part could still be a bit of a tribute to his mom, but he doesn’t want his daughter’s name to have the word mad in it. Insert huge eye roll here. Whatever. He’s not exactly giving me anything else to consider. When it comes down to it, I have final say on this one because a) He chose Noah’s name, so it’s only fair, and b) I’m the one that fills out the birth certificate, so if he won’t help me choose something, I guess he’ll just have to live with whatever I choose.

Ummm……Noah’s had THREE new teeth actually break through recently….not sure if I’ve mentioned that or not. He’s got two up top and one on the bottom….it’s about time he got another one on the bottom! We’re also going to be taking him in to get his first haircut soon. Poor baby always has hair in his eyes because it is just so dang long, so I guess it’s time for him to get a big boy haircut. Sniff. He’s growing up way too fast.

Anyway, that’s about all I have for now.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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February 8, 2008

I hope things slow down and you can get some rest!!

February 8, 2008

*echoes huge eyeroll* That is a GOOFY reason not to like a name. Especially one so cute ^^ Good luck on all fronts.