I really, REALLY…..

dislike teething.

No lie, Noah’s got FIVE teeth working their way out. One has actually broken through, but not completely. The other four? All four molars at once. Ouch. Needless to say, the past couple of days especially have been miserable.

Pictures coming soon, I promise. I’m trying to get all of Noah’s toys organized in his room so I can finally post a picture of the entire room. Jake needs to put together the tricycle that my mom got him because it’s in pieces all over the room. It’s the least he can do. I put together the dresser, after all. Yeah, my fat pregnant self with the sore butt put that sucker together all by myself. If I waited for Jake to do it, it’d never get done. Though, to give him some credit, he did clean the living room this morning while I slept. Vacuumed and everything. He does have SOME redeeming qualities.

Chiropractor will be called first thing in the morning. I tried to call yesterday and they were closed. Grrr.


I need to stay away from stores when they have their Christmas stuff on clearance. I bought, oh, 10 rolls of wrapping paper at Target yesterday. Along with bows and tape. And spent less than $15. And then we went to Wal Mart tonight and I got three more rolls for I think $1.25 or something. Like I didn’t already have enough wrapping paper. But I am a self proclaimed wrapping paper whore. I find it very difficult to pass up cute wrapping paper. At least I wait until it’s on clearance though, right?

Anyway. If you have any picture requests, now’s the time to get them in. I know I need to post pics of the entire house, but I want to finish hanging my pictures and all that. I’m getting mad because I can’t find any frames that I like in the right size for the pictures we had done a few weeks ago. Grrr again.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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January 1, 2008

That sounds like one of the worst/most difficult parts of being a parent of infants & toddlers. Teething hurts the parents almost as much as the kids, just in a different way. Hope your little man finishes soon! :o)

January 1, 2008

Poor Noah. I hope his teeth feel better soon. And your back!

January 2, 2008

I love the holiday clearance at Target now that I don’t work there and have to pick up after the herds of people that throw it everywhere 🙂 GREAT deals though.

January 2, 2008

Poor Noah! I am in teething hell again too.

January 2, 2008

Does that mean that you can wrap my presents for me this year? lol Cripes woman. Good idea though. I’d be hittin up Hallmark. Eesh about the teething. Can turn a well mannered child into a beast! :/

January 3, 2008

I have not been on OD for a few months So Congrats on the New Baby !!! I hope Noah feels better soon 😀