Word of the day: Tired.

It’s not quite 7:30 and I’m up.

After being up until three this morning because my mom didn’t get here until close to one. And we just HAD to bring EVERYTHING in. Y’all would not believe how many friggin’ presents are in the corner of my dining room right now.

Noah woke up shortly after midnight and I cuddled with him for awhile, and then he played for awhile. I was trying to keep him up so that Mom could see him, and I was expecting her to arrive closer to 12 than to 1. And then she ended up scaring Noah and it was a pain in the ass getting him back to sleep.

Then he was up again at 6. I laid with him for 15 minutes and got him back to sleep. But, here it is just an hour later and he’s up. Jake got in bed as soon as he got home and I decided to be nice and let him go to sleep. Well, I do have a bit of an ulterior motive. The earlier he goes to sleep, the earlier I can wake him up. He’s got shopping to finish so he’s got to get up early today.

I am so going to bed as soon as Jake leaves for work tonight. Otherwise, I’ll be in no condition to drive to Jacksonville tomorrow morning. I’m not really looking forward to THAT at all. My butt constantly hurts courtesy of my sciatic nerves, and that horrible pain I had with Noah has set in full force already. I told Jake that as soon as we get back from Jacksonville, I’m making an appointment with a chiropractor. I can’t be in pain like this for another 19 weeks, not with a very busy toddler to chase after.

Well, I think Noah and I are going to go wake up my mom. Only fair for her to be up with us, right? Besides, she and I have stuff to go do today, too. We’re going to go to Babies R Us and stuff to look at cribs….she wants to insist on buying it now, but I really think she needs to wait. I won’t need it for quite some time, ya know? But we’re also going to finally buy a dresser for Noah.

Anyway, Merry Christmas Eve!



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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December 24, 2007

Enjoy your time with your Mom! 🙂 You know every Grandparent goes overboard for Christmas. I know my Mom did too. lol.

December 24, 2007

Happy holidays

December 27, 2007
December 28, 2007

I hope you guys had a wonderful holiday and that you’ve been able to relax a bit…