
I seriously want to smack my husband.

Lucky for him, he’s at work.


I told him before he left that I was going to need his help tomorrow to finish cleaning the house. He asked what, specifically, I would need help with…..well, whatever the hell I don’t get finished tonight or tomorrow while he’s sleeping! He said something about staying off of the computers until the house is clean, because he said a month and a half ago that we should get everything done before we go to Jacksonville.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Yes, I’m on the computer quite a bit throughout the day. But I’m also taking care of our son all day, and doing whatever I can around the house. He hardly lifts a finger until I ask him to, unless something is really bothering him…, say, the desk. Yeah, too bad every mess on the desk is HIS, since I’m hardly ever on that computer!

I have been busting my ass the past few days. I have done way too much laundry…including folding it all and putting it all away. I’m almost done with the spare room. I’ve actually finally got most of our pictures hung up. I’ve been cleaning the kitchen every night. I made over a hundred cookies for him to take to work, and will be making more in the next couple of days to take to his family. I went grocery shopping. I finished all of my Christmas shopping. I make dinner every night.

What has he done? Talked on the phone with JR. Played WoW. Eaten the dinners I make. Yes, he works, but dammit, obviously I do, too. I’m not just laying around watching soaps and eating bon bons all day. Heck, he hasn’t even finished his Christmas shopping for me. We went to Target and Wal Mart tonight, and he made a big production about splitting up with me at Wal Mart so he could do some shopping. Uh, yeah. Didn’t buy a damn thing. Then said something about being able to come back later tonight, since they’re open 24 hours and all. Uhhhh….ok, whatever.

Anyway, break time’s over for me. Back to the grindstone.



lilypie expecting a baby ticker

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December 22, 2007

jackson ville florida?

December 23, 2007

Want me to help give him a good smack for you? 🙂