You know what to do…*

If you want a Christmas card, leave your name and addy. Even if I probably already have it. Don’t be shy, I’ve got plenty of cards to go around!

I’m making this entry private notes only, so no one has to worry about accidentally not checking the box.

Ummm…what the hell do I want for Christmas? I may hold off on getting the chair for awhile….I need to at least test some out first, among other considerations. So Jake asked me tonight what I want. There are a few DVDs I want, but I’d hate to only get DVDs……though I’ll be very mad if I don’t at least find Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix waiting for me! I’d love a new sewing machine, but I don’t really know what sort of budget he has in mind, and therefore don’t know if the one I want would be considered too expensive. Couldn’t hurt to ask him, I guess. Other than that, I can’t think of much that I want for myself…..I really need some new clothes, but I’d rather wait until after the baby is born to assess my needs then. I still fit into most of what I have, so I don’t really want any maternity clothes; I’ll just pick those up as I need them and besides, that’s not a great Christmas gift from the hubby! He knows I want a new laptop but that’s definitely out of the budget.

Must think on this….and peruse Amazon. When in doubt, always turn to Amazon.





lilypieexpecting a baby ticker

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kimberly white 10117 trappers ridge converse, texas 78109 will you leave me yours too.. i dont think you left it.. 🙂

lol ok.. im a nerd.. haha